Heroes Come Home [8]

Start from the beginning


"Push!" Kaiza demanded as a blood curdling scream erupted from Asuna's lips and she pushed with everything she had until the wailing sound of a baby broke the tense atmosphere.

"Time of birth, November 30th, 4:49 am. Congratulations Miss Kirisaki, you have a daughter." The nurse approached her with a pink wrapped bundle, causing Asuna's heart to stop. The baby girl stopped crying once placed on her mothers chest and automatically Asuna placed her hands on the child's back, carefully cradling the babies head as it suckled on her breast.

"Look you're a natural already! The stimulation from Breast feeding will make your uterus contract more to get the placenta out quicker." The doctor said injecting the placenta in Asuna's thigh.

"Have you two decided on a name yet?" The nurse asked as Asuna smiled softly glancing up at her lover whom was now cradling their new child. Kaiza was staring at the baby as if were some alien before a soft smile breached his features. "We were thinking Erina...Erina Kirisaki." She whispered tiredly.

"I see, well then I'll give you three some space. My nurses will come in a minute and take little Erina here to the NICU. After that I advise you get some rest Miss Kirisaki and   Me and the child's father will discuss the paperwork." Asuna nodded, not paying much attention to anything else but their daughter as the doctor and nurses left to give the new parents some space.

"She has your features..." Kaiza murmured gazing at the baby warmly. However he stiffened as the baby began crying once more and he secretly began to panic trying to sooth the baby.

"Here give her here, idiot." Asuna laughed lightly and Kaiza quickly placed the baby in Asuna's arms.

(Cue song above)

"Just wait
Though wide he may roam
A hero comes home" 

Kaiza stared in a trance as the woman began singing a soft melody, her siren like voice making the babies cries die down, lulling the child into sleep.

"He goes where no one has gone
But always
A hero comes home"

"He knows of places unknown
A hero comes home"

"He goes when no one has gone
But always
A hero comes home"

After the child had been lulled to sleep, "Where did you learn that lullaby?" Kaiza whispered making the woman smile softly in nostalgia.
"It's something my mother used to sing to me...about a time when there weren't pro heroes and there weren't any labels. When there was just good and bad. When the real heroes wore masks and protected from the shadows. The tale of true heroes."

Kaiza gazed at the woman silently. it wasn't that Asuna disliked heroes nor was she fond of  villains. She just never understood the new labels that society had begun to put on them. "I remembered a time when heroes were the ones in the shadows and villains were the ones in the light. Now, things are different...Now our child can't even be seen in public with her own father...you've changed and yet... i know this society won't let us be a family...If anyone finds out who her father is, she'll be shunned and that's not fair...she doesn't deserve that...we're not villains are we? We haven't done anything wrong, we're not evil..." Asuna felt tears brim her eyes at the severity of their situation. If anyone were to find out the truth and that she had fell in love with a villain, their daughter would be left an orphan and shunned by society and confined to the shadows.

"It just isn't fair..."

The nurses suddenly came in and Asuna begrudgingly allowed them to take her baby.

"Do you think we'll be fine...Kaiza?"  Asuna murmured.

Kaiza stood up and placed a warm kiss on his exhausted lovers head. "Get some sleep Asuna...We'll be fine. No matter what happens, I'll protect Erina."

Asuna smiled, gazing into space. "You think she'll become a true hero?"

"Get some rest, Asuna..."
The tired mother sighed but nodded none the less, letting sleep take her. Kaiza gazed at the unconscious woman for a few seconds, before the hard mask on his face fell away and love pooled in his eyes. He soon left and after a few minutes of speaking with the doctor, he stood idly in the hall gazing at his child through the window or the unit where they kept all the other babies. Memories of his time with the woman he loved began to surface and sorrow pooled in his orbs at what he was going to do. It was something he had dreaded doing for some time now after she first told him she was pregnant.

Fists clenched, Kaiza slipped into the baby unit, hovering over his child's holder. Reaching in, he gingerly picked up the child. The tiny silver haired baby scrunched her nose up upon feeling salty droplets splash on her cheek. Curious wide crimson doe eyes opened clashing with his black ones.

"Gomen...Asuna...It's for the best..."
A few hours later, Asuna woke up to the sound of alarms blaring throughout the building. Soon the doctor came walking hastily into the room a distressed expression on his face. "Miss Kirisaki, there's been some alarming news..."

Time seemed to slow as her heart pounded in her chest at the news. "Nonono..." Ignoring the pain in her uterus, her legs swiped out and she forced herself from the bed.

"Miss Kirisaki, please you shouldn't mo—"

Ignoring the doctor,  she launched herself for the telephone on the wall and dialed a number. "Put me on the phone with him! It's Asuna!"  After a few moments, her hands trembling, the person she wanted to speak to on the other side picked up.

"Father have you seen Kaiza?"  However her eyes widened in terror and the phone slipped from her hands. Slipping out of the hospital room, Asuna seen multiple cops in the halls questioning anyone in sight. "Miss Kirisaki please, it's not good for you to be up and moving so soon! The authorities are handling—"  Bur the doctors cries fell on deaf ears as the angry mother gripped onto one of the shirt of one of the cops.

"Where's my fucking baby?!" She cried out in distress but no one seemed to give her the answer she wanted to here. One of the male cops grabbed her hands trying to sooth her worries but the muscles in her chin began to tremble at the sad look in their eyes despite them saying they had the situation under control. Moisture pooled in her eyes and as much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. She allowed her body to crumble and melt into the floor, muffling her sobs
Into the cops chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was gone.

"W-where's my baby..."
Woah...that was intense... thoughts?

Btw I'm starting Overhaul arc soon. I've given the anime enough time to get into it so whatever I update isn't spoilers.

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