The sound of shoes lazily and heavily hitting the sidewalk made my heart beat faster and faster. I tucked my legs into my chest. That guy really could recover fast...For some non-active dude.  But instead, the running sounds of feet stopped as a quick thud came a few seconds afterwards. The steps quickly came back, but softer and more quiet until a tall shadow came over my head and made my shadow invisible. Not able to see the person's features because of the blinding sun, I stood up to a guy my age but inches taller. His blonde hair was short with some in his eyes, covering his left  hazel eye. His small smile was nice enough and I looked over my shoulder to the stalker planking on the concrete. Back at the conscious guy, I thanked him.

  "You don't have to." He smiled once again, showing bright teeth."Really unfortunate that nearly this whole entire neighborhood is empty though."

  I nodded slowly and turned my head slightly to my right. "How did you find me?" He shrugged. "I saw his nose bleeding, and then I saw you running. If you did that, I am kinda scared of you." He laughed, I only smiled.

 "Well, thank you...." I open my mouth slightly, giving him a hint that I didn't know his name.

"Oh! Oh, it's Felix." He told me. "I can walk you home.. Y'know, just in case people follow you again." He gave a small laugh.

  Do not tell anybody about your amulet except Jack. I hid my Amulet under my shirt. Even if you trust someone else. Felix's jaw tightened and I stopped suddenly. "Is he back?" I asked, looking all around me before catching up to him again, who was waiting for me. Felix only shook his head and we set off again.

  "Well, later!" He gave the last smile I'd probably ever see and walked off the steps of my house. Waving to him, I went inside to see our tiny living-room, all the lights were off and not one person greeted me, no one ever did anyway. The only thing that greeted me was the TV. Throwing my backpack to the floor, I went to the closest lamp and twisted the switch on it. It clicked, but no light filled the room.  I checked the cord, no wires sticking out, it was plugged in. I twisted it again, nothing. Going to the light switch, I clicked it on, nothing. Was the power out? No, the television would be off then. I ran to other rooms, checking if anyone was in with me and if all the lights in the house worked. None of them worked. I started to feel panicky, my hands were shaking and I was confused, I had checked the electric box and everything was on. I ran back to the living-room, television still on, but the screen had static now. My fear of the dark and when TVs do that were not good mixes. Fear took over my brain so much, I hit my back against a wall and fell to the ground, my eyes filling with tears. I wrapped my arms around my knees.

   "Kori? What the hell are you doing?" I heard my mother question rudely a few seconds later. Ignoring it, I stopped weeping.


  I lifted my head up, all the lights were on, but the television was still static-y. I narrowed my eyes at the wall in front of me and stood up. 

 "You were running around the house and messing with the lamp, then you just exploded." My father told me, caution in his voice. Was I hallucinating the entire freaking time?! I looked at my shirt where my amulet hid. If you get these bad feelings, which you will, no matter what. Do. Not. Take. It. Off. The thoughts and memories of what my grandmother told me showered into my brain, but I mentally shoved them off to the side.

"I am going to get some sleep." I notified them, "I haven't been sleeping very well, that must be why."

  Shutting the door behind me, I switched the light on, terrified to death of the hallucination thing. The room warmed up and old yellow light filled it, letting my shoulders relax. I fiddled with the amulet and pulled lightly at it, hurting the back of my neck. How hard would I need to pull to rip off the amulet without me breaking my own neck? I tried pushing away the thought, trying to memorize my grandmother's warnings and information, the opposite of what I was trying to do minutes ago.

  Sharp stings jabbed into my skull, causing me to stagger to my bed, trying not to climb the walls and scream in pain. Barely at the side of my bed, I fell to my knees, my forehead on it. Hot tears escaped my eyes as the pain increases little-by-little until I finally screeched, bellowed, any meaning of screaming in pain. Pictures flashed in my vision, pictures of all the gemstones on my walls, all the pictures in my head, but also in front of me. Emerald, Amber, Aquamarine, Topaz, Ruby, Diamond.. The room went dark once again and the pain decreased by a tiny bit. Agonizing pressure hit my skull like someone's foot was on the back of my head, using all their weight to crush it. A ringing made me feel deaf, I couldn't even hear my own screaming. Eventually, the weight lifted off of my head and so did the agony. My entire body shook violently, cold sweat on my back and drenching my hair.

 The pain felt like forever, an eternity. How long was I in pain? What just happened? Yeah, I think we're all asking that. Still shaking crazily, I put a hand on my bed and slowly stood up. Each muscle seemed to ache and every bone seemed to pop. Boy, that sure was fun! You will absolutely LOVE me when I come through your head daily, you'll get used to the pain around..never. The voice made me jump really high and shake even more violently, which really didn't seem possible to me. The dark almost scared me more and I was too scared to open the door and find something waiting for me. Sorry, that part of me will only be heard rarely. When you wont co-operate. She is now in the lab, so this will happen randomly until you too are in the lab. I pawed at my ears angrily.

 "Get out of my head!" I screeched, small ringing sounds entering my ears once again. I am terribly sorry, but I will not until further notice. On the bright side, when this happens, you will technically disappear from the world when I am in your head, Kori. You must be alert when you have this feeling though. Right after saying that, a sharp pain hit my skull like when I had been staggering to my bed. It made me wince, but it was nothing compared to what I just experienced. When that happens, run to any place not crowded or that divides you between anyone. Some times you will just fall to the  ground and leave your body to this place, other times your body will come with you. Time's up, I'll talk to you when you are almost ready to go to the lab. My breath left me when the ringing got worse and worse. And then the agony came back, but in a reversed way.

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