"Really?" Tobin asks with a smile.

"Mhmm." I say with a smile then Tobin hugs me.

"Munchkin I love you." Tobin says and kisses my head.

"I love you too Tobs." I say.

"So you're the Munchkin Tobin talks about." Tobin's other sister Perry says.

"Uh I guess so." I say and look at Tobin who's nodding.

"Where else are we going?" Christen asks.

"That's up to you guys." I say and pull out a map of Greece. "The only other place Lindsey and I have planned is going to Athens and spending a day there. It's up to you guys to decided where else you wanna go."

"How did you know Tobin wanted to come here?" Amy asks.

"Greece is one of the 67 countries I've visited and Tobin talked to me about what to see if she ever came here." I say. "When Christen and Tobin told Lindsey and I they wanted a joint bachelorette party I thought of coming here."

"What all are we doing in Santorini?" Tobin asks.

"Nothing's really set in stone, but I thought we could go to Oia and see the white houses with Blue roofs then look around the rest of the island until we have a sunset dinner at the Ambrosia Restaurant." I say.

Once everyone knows the plan for the day we look at the map and plot out a course with the Yacht's captain.

After we spend the day in Santorini we'll sail at night to the island of Rhodes where well spend a day having fun on the island. We'll then sail at night until we reach the island of Mykonos where will have a traditional bachelorette party day. Once the traditional bachelorette party is over we'll sail at night to Nafplio and explore for a day.

After we leave Nafplio we'll sail all night until we get to Athens where we'll spend a couple days there. Once we've seen everything we will sail for 12 hours through the night until we get to Zakynthos where we will spend some time at shipwreck cove before getting ready for a night out on the town. As we recover from the night out we will sail back to Crete which should take about 14 hours then spend the remains time on Crete before we leave to get ready for the wedding.

Once the route is planned the boat staff bring us food then we eat lunch while talking.

"Hey Tobin." I say and look at my friend.


"Look." I say and point behind her.

Tobin turns around and sees the Santorini coast and instantly her face lights up.

"We're already here?" Lauren questions.

"We talked about the places we wanted to see for a long time." I say

A few minutes later we pull into the dock so we all change into clothes then we disembark the boat and head to a waiting van.

"I know it's not glamorous, but I have one of these on every island so we can travel together." I say then pull open the door

"Talia you got us a yacht and are showing us everything we wanna see." Christen says. "This is more than enough."

"Seriously." Kelley says as I help her into the van.

I help 12 of the girls into the van then I help Julie into the passenger seat before I get into the drivers seat.

"You can drive in Greece?" Ali questions.

"I can drive in 175 countries." I say and hold up my International Driver's Permit.

"Where to first?" Julie asks and looks at the two brides-to-be.

"Can we go to see the blue buildings?" Tobin asks.

"Sound good with everyone?" My soulmate asks and everyone nods.

Julie types the address into her phone as I start driving then I follow her directions.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at our destination so I park then we all get out and walk around.

We spend a couple hours walking around the village of Oia while taking pictures then we drive around the island and see a bunch of the other things the island has to offer. After we've seen most of what we want to see we head back to the yacht and get showered and dressed for dinner.

"This is nice." I say as Julie and I hug each other after our shower.

"You're so sweet." Julie says and looks up at me.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"You're doing so much for Christen and Tobin. They've always wanted to come out here, but the timing never worked out and now your helping them live their dreams." 

"They deserve it." I say and shrug. "They've done a lot for me since I got to Utah and I wanna repay them."

"I love you Talia." Julie says as she brings my head down to her height.

"I love you Julie." I whisper across my girls lips then I passionately kiss her.

Our intimate moment is ruined by none other than Kelley.


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