Harden is getting more and more violent. I must start giving him sleeping drops, his dreams seem to be unsettling.

Magnus Monicroff



Teagan closes her journal and slips it into her satchel, she wonders what Magnus does next but Core walking in interrupts the students' activities.

He enters with a frown on his face, which is the norm, then lands a tight look on Teagan. This is also, unfortunately, normal. But this time he looks sourer than normal.

The girl shifts in her seats uncomfortably. What was it now?

"Headmistress want you in her office Monicroff." Core says stiffly and opens his books.

Immediately, whispers start up and Teagan ignores the burning stares as she gathers her things slowly, she doesn't want them to think she's running away, and leaves the classroom.

What could Headmistress want now? She hasn't spoken to Teagan since school had started. Teagan was certain she hasn't don't anything wrong.

Except for maybe that potion explosion - but Core should be used to that by now.

Teagan feels the nerves attack her stomach as she knocks on Headmistress's door.

"Come in Dear."

Teagan does. The room looks as wild as it always had - the window is still blue and everything is colored in its tint. The shelves seem to have gotten fuller and there is a beautiful crystal glass case with shimmering vials of silver liquid inside it that wasn't there last time.

"Yes Ma'am?" Teagan says softly as she takes a seat slowly, really - her mind is racing, what did she do?

"Oh, nothing Teagan. " Headmistress says airily as if she's read Teagan's mind, she takes a sip of her sludge, as she smiles at Teagan startled face. "I only wished to discuss something your teachers have brought to my attention. Are you feeling well dear?"

Teagan's heart flips. Nobody knows about the dream or the conscious dream she's having - "Yes Ma'am."

"Good - you seem to have color to your face - I hear you joined the Gracers?" Headmistress seems to be getting at something and Teagan wishes she would.

She nods silently instead.

Headmistress presses her elegant finger together. "All good things. Now - " She settles calmly in her chair. "Someone mentioned that you're having a bit difficulty controlling your charm casting of late."

Teagan's heart drops.

The petrification charm - Ms. Shank's - oh dear no.

"I - suppose." Teagan says, unsure.

Headmistress nods. "Hmm, has this ever been a problem before?"

"Um – no - no ma'am,."

"I see . . . you seem to be having a difficulty casting the charms when you want too - and when you do . . . it happens at a higher level than expected." Headmistress goes on.

Teagan's hands fist with nerves. "I - I really don't' know ma'am." She really doesn't. She just assumed it was because she wasn't focusing enough.

Could there be another reason?

"I think, seeing as you are a maturing mage, your aura is also maturing. Many gifted young mages go through this fluctuation but at a smaller unnoticeable scale."

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