A few minutes later James saw Rafaela coming out of the huge brown door and beginning to cross the equally huge lawn, towards his car. On her way there, she saw Kelly. James noticed how her lines became rigid and he got out of the car to go to her.

"Hi." Rafaela told Kelly and then looked at James. He bent over her and kissed her lips, then he approached her ear and whispered.

"She was already here when I arrived." He said like excusing himself and she took a deep breath, probably calming herself down as she was also tired of fighting with him, and that was supposed to be their afternoon out, to have fun, to laugh and to cuddle. She didn't want to ruin that. He certainly did not need her to nag him so much in such a difficult moment of his life.

"I'll be right back." She told him, putting her books in his arms. James nodded and sat back in the car and watched her walking towards her friend. For a moment he feared what she was going to do but he was going to let her do things her own way that time.

"Can we talk for five minutes?" Kelly asked her.

"Sure..." Rafaela accepted.

"Rafi, you were so upset yesterday that I felt I had to come here to talk to you." Kelly began. That second Rafaela's heart began to pound pumping blood into her veins faster than the regular flood.

"You went to my house when you know I am not there." Rafaela told her confronting her.

"It was a coincidence Rafi. Think about it... really... first I went there thinking you wouldn't take too long to come back and the next day I went later but you took even longer to come back. It was a coincidence. Look... I just got you back, do you think I was going to do something just to lose you again?" Kelly tried to reason her but there was something in her eyes...

"I don't know..." Rafaela looked at her reluctantly.

"Rafi... I am over him, really. I have a boyfriend..." There Rafaela didn't let her finish for she was so sure her friend was lying to her.

"Who is that boyfriend that I never saw? I think you're lying Kelly and the fact that you've been saying such things just prove my case!"

"Don't be arrogant Rafi!" Kelly shot visibly mad. "Robert was in the rehab center and somehow I feared to tell you I was in love with him and that we began to secretly date. Maybe because I was still hammering on the fact that you stole a boyfriend from me once." Rafaela opened her eyes surprised. "Don't look at me that way..." Kelly continued. "I had a hard time Rafi. I loved James a lot and you knew it and now I felt something that was as strong for this boy, so I was afraid. I know that was silly, of course it's not like you're going to do that again, but it took me some more time in therapy to completely see that. Among other things that I already told James and I don't feel like repeating it. I am in love with a wonderful person and I feel he loves me back, something that, if I am honest, I never felt with James because he made sure to tell me all the time he didn't love me. He wasn't in love with me. So, I am not lying. I am telling the truth. Look..." Kelly pulled some photos off her wallet and put in Rafaela's hand. "This is him..."

Rafaela felt her guilt meter rising again, not only for doubting Kelly but also for the hell she had given James last days. "God... I am so sorry Kelly." She couldn't feel worse than that very moment.

"It's ok. I also understand your side. That's why I came here and not to your house anymore. I want things clear between us. I know keeping this friendship is harder than I thought, for both of us, but I want to keep it and I know the more time will fly the more we'll be confident again. You were the only person to help me when I really needed Rafi and I will never forget that." Kelly convinced her.

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