Questionable 3

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Billy and Cilantra were eating the panda burgers.

"Uh Cilantra, doesn't this burger seem a bit too crunchy?" asked Billy.

"Oh, that's probably from the bone fragments and cartilage that they keep when they grind up the pandas. It gives a good texture," said Cilantra. Billy ignored her response as he was no longer surprised by her remarks. She might as well be some kind of sociopath.

"I am not a sociopath, I just like a good crunchy panda burger," said Cilantra.

Okay, Cilantra just really likes a good crunchy panda burger. 

"Is this hair?!" exclaimed Billy.

"It has good fibers for your health. Also adds an extra layer of texture. If you're lucky, you can find some nice eyeballs and maybe half a kidney. Those parts really taste great in a panda burger," said Cilantra.

"I'm sure it does," said Billy as he rolled his eyes. Billy ate the hairy, crunchy, creamy panda burger. Wait... creamy?

"I don't want to know why it is creamy, so please just stop," said Billy to the voice from above.

10 minutes later.

"Ah, I'm stuffed. It was an alright panda burger...besides the fact that it had hair and bone fragments in it," said Billy. 

"I'd say the opposite. The hair and bones gave a good texture in my mouth. And that crea--" said Cilantra, but was cut off by--

"Stop, stop. Just stop," said Billy.

"Wow, such a downer," said Cilantra.

"Annnyways, I gotta go to class, it starts in twenty mins, and I want to print out my essays," said Billy.

"Want to hop on to my back and slide to the printing lab?" said Cilantra.

"Sure, let's a go," said Billy in a Mario voice.

10 minutes of belly sliding later.

"Alright, I'll see you later," said Cilantra. Billy waved back and walked into the printing lab. He pressed some buttons and printed paper popped out of the printer like it took nine months for the paper to get delivered into the hands of Billy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," singer number one.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," singer number three, but a higher pitch.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh," singer number zero, but a low low pitch.

"Would you like, to have a free pennnnn??????" asked the three barbershop singers.

"No, thanks, have a nice day," said Billy as he walked quickly out the doors of the printing lab.

A distant, harmonizing, "Byeeee," echoed as Billy left the printing lab area.

Then, it hit Billy...

He still had a broken leg from the pogo incident. That gorsh dorn porgo.

The Questionable ActionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora