Questionable 1

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Billy, a character in this story, was riding his pogo stick to college. He rode this way to school to exercise his leg muscles. He was doing this for the last four months and he was getting the hang of it. He jumped, jumped, hopped, skipped, hopped his way to school, but this day would prove difficult. 

It was snowing.

Now, it wouldn't have been a problem if he just walked or took the bus like a normal person. BUT NO, he decided to pogo his way to school. 

The worst part was that he was going up at an incline, and it was a very slippery slope. He was giving himself a false dilemma by just buying a pogo stick. Billy just did not want to join the bandwagon of just walking or taking the bus to school--Billy the idiot decided to use a fucking pogo stick. 

Who even uses a pogo stick? Who invented the stupid stick?

Anyways, Billy slipped and fell and someone just HAPPENED to be passing by.

"Oh shootily doo. It looks like you have fallen my good sir. Do you want any help?" asked a woman.

"Oh gosh darn. I knew I shouldn't have used my stick of pogos. Why yes madam, I would like some help," said Billy. The woman helped Billy up to his feet. He stood a mere 6'2" (187.96 cm for you losers who use the metric system) and was towering the woman who stood at 6' (182.88 cm). 

"Wow, you're a tall one," said the woman.

"Yes," said Billy.

"So where are you headed?" asked the woman.

"Oh, I'm headed to University of Cauliflower, Northridgecrest," replied Billy.

"Ah, I see. I'm headed there as well. Want to walk there together? I'm not sure your legs are ready to do any 'stick jumping' anytime soon," remarked the woman.

"Why do you say that?" inquired Billy as he was limping.

"Well, as the text above says, you're limping," said the woman.

"Well, the woman, I guess I should walk with you then. I'll just put away my stogo pick into my backpack," said Billy who proceeded to put away his stogo pick into his backpack.

The two walked for thirty minutes towards UCN. It was still snowing, as the weather does there at UCN. 

"So, what's your major the woman?" asked Billy.

"You can call me Cilantra btw. I'm majoring in Gender & Women's Studies," said Cilantra.

"Ew, Gender & Woman's Studies? Who even--... whatever. I'm majoring in Political Science," said Billy.

"So, what you're saying is, we're in the same boat," said Cilantra.

"Pretty much. So when does your class start?" asked Billy.

"Hmmm, in a few hours. Why?" said and asked Cilantra.

"You want to hit up the cafe for breakfast? That hill and fall sure made me hungry. I'll pay," said Billy.

"Alright, sure. Let's diddly doodly walkity woo to the cafe," said Cilantra with the straightest poker face ever.

And so they walked to the cafe.

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