Shitty Romantic Comedies

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"—then we will come back here immediately. We're not going far." He reassured.

I really wanted to go with him.

Eijirou sensed I was still slightly hesitant, as he spoke again.

"Look, Margo. We've done all we can for now, to help little Eri. And, we're not done. We're not abandoning her. There's just nothing left for us to do, except wait. What we could be walking into, once this mission starts.....could be really...dangerous. A-And there's a time, and a place for all of that. But, right now....I just want to spend this moment with you. Only you. I just....want to be with you." He mumbled quietly into my hair.

I felt my heart flutter at his words, closing my eyes softly in contentment.

How could I say no to him? The answer is, I can't.

And I definitely didn't want to say no, anyway.

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's go."


"Ooo, I think I know where we're going now!" I exclaimed, as Eijirou and I arrived at the beach.

"Really? You don't say." He retorted teasingly, leading me through the pillowy mounds of golden sand.

I threw my head back, feeling the slightly chilled seawater breeze envelope my face and hair.

The sun was giving off a soft honey glow, as it was obvious it would be setting soon. It reflected so beautifully off the water, creating a deep ocean blue color.

It wasn't too hot, or too really was a perfect day.

"Come on! We're not quite there yet!" Eijirou called out to me over the sound of the waves and the wind.

I chuckled softly, quickly catching up to him.

Eijirou and I talked about anything and everything, as we made our way along the beach, walking to our special spot.

Not long after, I finally saw the familiar, secluded beach cave that he took me to on our very first date.

"Man, I can't believe we haven't been back here more. This is seriously my favorite spot in the entire world." I called out dreamily, twirling around the gorgeous cave.

"Yeah, mine too. Especially since I kissed you for the first time, right up against that rock over there." Eijirou smirked, pointing to the rock in the corner. He gently set down the backpack he was holding.

I laughed softly at the memory, feeling myself blush lightly.

"Hah, that feels like an eternity ago." I mumbled softly, feeling my heart flutter as I remembered Eijirou's lips pressed against mine for the first time.

I heard him laugh lightly from behind me, as he remembered that night, too.

"Man, I was so nervous to kiss you. I thought you were gonna reject me, and run off the beach, as soon as I did it....and I guess, well, you kinda did." Eijirou chuckled, trying to tease me a little.

I continued walking around the cave, hearing Eijirou shuffling around on the sandy floor behind me.

"Oh please! I had my reasons. I was trying to keep you safe...but, I just couldn't stay away from you." I reasoned, walking over to the small part of the ocean that connected into the cave.

It was like a mini, private beach in here.

"Because I'm so irresistible!?" Eijirou asked eagerly, his pure tone of voice making me melt.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora