First Impressions

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"Excuse me, ma'am? Can you point me in the direction of the classroom 1-A?" I asked sweetly, trying to act as innocent as possible.

My heartbeat began picking up as the teacher looked at me curiously.

Damn, she's pretty much wearing lingerie to school. They allow that here!?

"Hmm, I've never seen you around here before. Are you a transfer?" The black haired teacher asked.

I began chuckling nervously now, awkwardly shuffling back and forth.

"Y-Yeah! Today's my first day. I'm really....nervous." I replied with a smile, waiting for the teacher to point me in the direction of the classroom.

Jeez, Shigaraki. Way to pick the worst possible liar, for a job that's completely based on a lie.

I was getting ready to use my quirk on the suspicious woman, when she finally spoke up again.

"Oh! Classroom 1-A! I teach history for that class. That's right. I totally forgot we were expecting a new transfer student today. It was all very sudden. Sorry for the trouble. You can call me Midnight!" The teacher said, a giant smile gracing her face now.

I let out a silent breath of relief, as Midnight gave me the instructions to the classroom 1-A.

"Thank you so much, Midnight. I look forward to having you as my teacher!" I said, trying to sound as kind as possible.

"Ohhh! You're so cute and youthful! I hope your first day is amazing!" Midnight cooed, strutting off and leaving me alone in the hallway.

My mind began replaying the conversation with Shigaraki and Dabi, as I slowly walked down the hallway to the classroom.

"You want me to what!?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's perfect, Margo! You go in to UA, undercover as a student, but a spy for us! You can tell us everything that's going on in there!" Shigaraki exclaimed, as he shook my shoulders gently.

He was careful to keep two fingers lifted, to make sure he didn't disintegrate me.

"I-I don't know. I mean, isn't UA one of the hardest schools in the world to get into? I was never.....allowed to go to a real school. I don't have any transcripts, any recommendations, or experience." I tried reasoning.

If I were being totally honest, I wasn't comfortable with this in the slightest.

"Have you learned nothing since you've been here!? I have connections on the inside! I can easily get you into that school. That's not the hard part. The hard part is gonna be making sure you can pull it off." Shigaraki retorted, pacing the room again.

Shit, I was making him anxious. That's never good.

I grit my teeth in anxiety, forcing myself to comply.

"Um, okay. I'll do it, I guess." I mumbled unenthusiastically.

Shigaraki stopped pacing the room, slowly trailing his eyes to me.

I felt my heartbeat start picking up, as he walked over.

Oh no, I made him mad.

Shigaraki came inches away from my face, making me swallow thickly.

"Margo......are you going to disappoint me?" Shigaraki threatened lowly. His voice held a tone, dripping with acid.

"Shigaraki, lay off." Dabi threatened back, walking over to us now.

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