See Me

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I had been working for awhile now, managing to knock out Oijiro, Tokoyami, and Sato with my quirk.

I was trying to go for people I didn't know well at all, in order to prevent myself from getting recognized and caught.

Suddenly, Dabi's voice began ringing in my ear.

"Alright. You're done. That's it for today." He simply uttered.

He didn't sound happy.

"Alright. Did you get All Might?" I asked breathlessly, feeling exhausted. Especially since my shoulder was still bleeding, due to Kirishima's hit from earlier.

"No. The mission failed. Kurogiri sent your school clothes to the south side of the USJ. Get changed back into your gym clothes and meet up with your class. See ya later." Dabi mumbled quickly, before ending the call.

Oh boy. If Dabi was this upset about the failed mission, Shigaraki was probably fuming.

I cringed in pain as my shoulder continued throbbing.

I needed to clean the blood up, before I met up with the class.

I gave all my first aid tools to Kirishima, instead of using it on myself.

All I had left was one measly little cloth, and a tourniquet.

That would have to do for now.

I groaned, tightly tying the tourniquet around my arm, before wiping the blood and applying the cloth bandage to my shoulder.

I got very lucky that Kirishima sliced me in an area that could be covered by my clothes. Now I was able to hide the wound from everyone.

I quickly changed into my gym clothes, leaving my duffel bag in a hidden area, so Kurogiri could transport my villain costume back to the league of villains, later on.

I took a deep breath, trying to get my composure, before I ran over to find my UA class.

Let's hope they don't suspect anything.


"Margo!?! There you are!!!" Mina cried, sprinting over to me, as I was about to hop on the bus.

She pretty much tackled me to the ground with the force of her hug.

"Mina! Are you alright?" I asked in honest worry.

I've only just started talking to her today. But, I was already worried about her.

Actually, I was worried about everyone. I really hope no one was hurt.

"I'm fine! Are you!? That was so crazy! There was that purple warp thing, and it swallowed us, and—" Mina began babbling, clearly still amped up from all the chaos.

"Yeah. I'm alright." I said with a tired smile, walking onto the bus.

It was very late by now, and no one was really in the mood to talk. Except Mina obviously.

Everyone had now spread out on the bus, leaving plenty of room for everyone to have their own set of seats.

I began making my way down the aisles, feeling slightly dazed from what happened.

Sure, I was probably dazed from blood loss, but for some reason, I felt very off about everything that had happened today.

I couldn't put my finger on it. But, it didn't feel right.

"Margo?" I heard someone say quietly, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Kirishima. Thank goodness you're okay!!" I exclaimed, climbing into the empty seat next to him and throwing my arms around his neck.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now