Shitty Romantic Comedies

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I checked the time.


I checked my phone.

No missed calls.

I groaned, throwing my burner phone back onto my bed, before trying to focus back on my homework.

It's been two days since me, Eijirou, and the others were placed on standby. There still wasn't any word from Sir Nighteye on when we can move with this rescue operation.

And it was killing all of us.

Shigaraki hasn't contacted me either, neither has Overhaul.

For the first time in awhile, everything was completely quiet...and while I feel like I should be enjoying this short lived silence....

I just can't shake the thoughts of Eri.

I was pulled from my reflections, upon hearing a soft knock at my dorm room door.

"It's open." I called out softly, sitting up on my bed.

The door opened to reveal Eijirou, who was holding a small backpack in his hands.

"Going somewhere?" I asked in slight amusement, watching his grin get a little wider.

He set the backpack on the floor lightly, before plopping onto my bed.

"I am, actually. And you're coming with me." He stated confidently, rolling over onto his back.

I scooted closer to his laying figure, watching him stretch his body across my bed.

"Am I now? And just where are we going?" I mumbled lightly, absentmindedly running my finger along his toned stomach.

His crimson eyes trailed over to me, before quickly wandering up to the ceiling.

"Oh. That's confidential information." He dismissed, lazily resting his hand on my thigh.

I chuckled softly, playfully pushing his shoulder.

"And what's in the bag?" I asked, nodding towards his backpack that was sitting on my floor.

"That's also confidential."

I raised my brows challengingly, before climbing on top of his body.

I straddled his waist, leaning down and pressing my lips to his.

"Can you at least tell me what we're going to be doing?" I whispered against his lips, before giving him a small peck.

Eijirou placed his hands on my hips, lightly biting my bottom lip, before...

"Well, we're not gonna be having sex, if that's what you're thinking. Come on Margo, I'm an abstinent man. Get your head out of the gutter." He joked, flashing me a playful smile.

I lightly rolled my eyes, before resting my head in the crook of his neck.

Eijirou could tell I was hesitant to leave the campus. Number one, because we weren't actually allowed to leave, and number two...

Because of Eri.

"Come on, baby. Do this with me. I promise it will be worth your while." He whispered gently, rubbing his hands up and down my back.

I let out a soft groan of guilt, feeling conflicted.

"I appreciate your efforts. I-I really do. It's just...what if they call us with something new on Eri, while we're gone—"

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora