Distance Yourself

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I tiredly made my way back inside the league of villains headquarters.

Man, to think the USJ events happened earlier today. What a long day it's been.

I kicked off my shoes, about to head to my room, when the door slammed open.

"There she is!" Shigaraki sang, with a cheery skip to his step.

My eyes widened in shock, when I felt Shigaraki pick me up and spin my around.

Dabi was right behind him, smiling at me softly.

After a moment, Shigaraki set me down, staring at me with a creepy smile.

Or maybe that was just his regular smile....?

"Here I am...." I reiterated, confused as hell by the attention I was receiving.

We had lost the fight to All Might today, yet Shigaraki and Dabi continued looking at me like I just won a million dollars.

I was extremely uncomfortable.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, before breaking the weird silence.

"Um...not that I don't enjoy this new side to you two—I mean, I do. But...what did I do?" I asked slowly, not wanting to ruin the positivity happening in the room right now.

Shigaraki laughed loudly now, causing Dabi and I to jump slightly.

"Isn't she adorable!!?" Shigaraki said to Dabi, pointing to me, before continuing.

"You, my little Margo, have given me everything today. You have made me a happy man." Shigaraki sang, strutting around the room in excitement.

I now noticed the trail of blood following his path.

"Hey man, do you know you got shot or something—" I started saying, before Shigaraki cut me off.

"Fine! Fine! I'll tell you why I'm so happy! Stop begging! Anyways, by keeping those UA brats so distracted, and away from All Might and I, I was able to gain a better understanding of the way he fights! Sure, I may have lost. But, now that I know what to watch out for, I won't lose again. And it's all thanks to you!" Shigaraki cheered, pointing to me like a little kid.

I was still completely taken aback by this new found attention from Shigaraki.

"Well....thanks, I—" I started saying, stopping when Shigaraki removed the hand from his face to look at me.

"Margo. I am so proud of you. You did very well today." Shigaraki smiled, a genuine smile playing across his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle, as Dabi came over, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"See? I told you that you belong here. You definitely proved yourself today." Dabi smiled.

"Come on! Give her a drink or something to celebrate!" Shigaraki exclaimed, going over to the bar.

"Wait—I'm only sixteen—" I started saying, before Shigaraki cut me off again, shoving a shot in my face.

"You're a villain. It's part of the perk. Age doesn't matter." Shigaraki grinned, handing a shot to Dabi and taking one for himself.

"To...Margo. The newest official member of the league of villains." Shigaraki smiled, throwing his shot back.

Dabi and I threw our shots back as well. It was quiet, until I immediately began choking on the alcohol that was burning my throat.

Dabi chuckled, ruffling my hair. "See? Didn't I tell you. Margo, you're going to be the most powerful villain there is, if you keep this up." Dabi reassured.

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