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After spending some quality time with Mina, it was time for the UA formal.

"Alrighty! And you're....just about...done!" Mina exclaimed, putting the finishing touches on my lip gloss.

I smiled in anticipation, as she dragged me out of the vanity chair and over to the mirror, so I could fully look at myself now.

"Ta-da! What do you think?" She smiled, clapping her hands together as she took in my primped self.

My eyes lit up, upon seeing myself in the mirror.

Mina had done a fantastic job on my hair, makeup, and dress.

I've never been dressed up like this in my entire life. It was really nice.

"Wow, Mina! You did a really nice job. Thank you." I called out in awe, studying all the glitz and glam that was intricately placed on my body.

"Well, it wasn't hard to primp you up a little. Naturally, you're gorgeous. Plus, Kirishima is gonna love you in that dress." She smiled, before smoothing out her own dress.

I quickly averted my gaze to the ground at her words, feeling shy now.

"T-Thanks. You look really great, too!" I told her, as a knock was heard on her door.

The clan of UA girls came barging through Mina's dorm room, grinning from ear to ear.

"We're here!" Toru exclaimed, the only thing visible being her pretty dress.

"Wow! You guys look great!" I exclaimed, taking everyone in.

All of the girls looked seriously fantastic in their dresses.

"Damn, what's your secret to getting....those." Jirou asked me quietly, looking at my cleavage in awe.

I couldn't hold back my laughter at her words.

"I really couldn't tell you." I chuckled, as Uraraka came over and slung her arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go already, guys! I want to party!" She cheered, checking her makeup one more time in the mirror.

"Tonight's the night, right Ochako!?" Mina exclaimed, ushering everyone to the door.

"Absolutely!! No turning back now!!" Ochako yelled a little too eagerly.

"Tonight's the night for what?" I asked, amused by her determination.

"Tonight's the night I'm going to kiss Deku." Ochako said dreamily, a blush tinting her, already rosy, cheeks.

I nodded in encouragement, slightly impressed by her vigor.

"Wow, Ochako! That's really great. I hope it goes well." I told her, as we walked out into the slightly chilled, night air.

"Me too. I've been acting it out in my head for weeks! First, I'm gonna ask him to dance—cause you know Deku. He'll probably be too afraid to ask me first. So, I'll ask him to dance, confess my feelings, and BAM! Plant a hot kiss right on his little cinnamon roll lips." Ochako explained, smirking in pride at her plan.

"Just make sure to keep your classiness, Ochako." Momo warned quietly.

"Right, right." Ochako mumbled dismissively.

"Well, I think it's great. Let's go have some fun!" I exclaimed, ready to enjoy the evening.

This would be my very first dance, and I planned to enjoy every minute of it.


We walked into the venue, getting lost in the sea of people.

I was feeling slightly nervous now, as I'm sure I'd see Eijirou soon.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now