Slipping Away

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"Wow! For Sir to give a nod like that, you two must be doing some pretty cool stuff in the foreseeable future!" Mirio chuckled, spinning around rapidly in his swivel chair.

Eijirou and I were quiet, trying to take this all in.

It was a very complicated situation. Sir Nighteye was basically telling us that we needed each other to do something, but Eijirou and I had no idea what it was.

"Indeed they will. Remember, I don't know exactly how you two will get there. I just see one moment in time. For now, Let me catch you up on what has been going on at the Nighteye agency." Sir said, leaning back in his seat now.

He slid his entire file across the table now, letting Eijirou and I look at it.

There were more pictures of this Overhaul guy, along with some other dudes in those beak masks.

"Kai Chisaki leads a yakuza gang, known as the eight precepts of death. He's very, very dangerous. But, he is able to hide his steps and his doings very well. I was able to phone tap one of his phone calls with a league of villains member, Twice. Do you know him?" Sir Nighteye asked me suspiciously, trying not to accuse me of lying too early.

I thought back to good ole' Twice. The guy was a hot mess. I shouldn't be surprised that he's bringing such a dangerous guy to the league of villains. He probably has no idea how dangerous Overhaul is.

"Yeah. I know Twice." I grumbled, in annoyance for the troubled, masked man.

"Good. I've been watching Overhaul and his gang for months with no luck. Well, once I found out the league of villains would be in contact with Chisaki, I began researching possible ways I could get one of my men undercover into the league of villains, to report back to me about Overhaul." Sir said, playing with his own fingers now.

I began piecing his words together, already starting to understand where this was going.

And I was dreading it.

I looked at Sir in unease now, politely allowing him to continue.

"Margo, I ran into you, by chance, at the dance. I used my foresight on you, by chance. However, once I found out you were a former member of the league of villains, I did some research of you on my own." Sir said, motioning for me to turn a page in the file Eijirou and I were reading.

Eijirou and I let out a simultaneous groan, as we saw the familiar picture of villain me...glaring evilly into the picture frame.

"I have to say, your makeshift mugshot was terrifying. By the way, I'm digging those piercings you had. They made you look really tough!" Mirio chimed in, giving me a thumbs up.

"As you can imagine, I couldn't even begin to fathom the luck I was having...finding a league of villains member at a school dance. My original plan was to threaten you into working for me, and then turn you in to the police, when I was done with you. But interestingly, I noticed your track record with the league slowly began disappearing, until there was almost nothing left. You began doing odd jobs for Shigaraki, things that weren't very significant. Mirio found out that you, Kirishima, and Aizawa would have secret meetings. That is what led me to believe I might be able to work with you with, willingly." Sir said, before I chimed in now.

"Okay, so what's your point?" I mumbled, slightly annoyed that Sir just went snooping through my past, secretly.

Aizawa chimed in now.

"Before Sir Nighteye chimes in, I just want to say that I back you up, Margo. Understand that I am already working on the plans you and I talked about." Aizawa confirmed, giving me a nod, before letting Sir speak.

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