Prove Yourself

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"E-Eijirou!? How did you get Aizawa's earpiece? Please tell me you're not actually around here!" I groaned out in anxiety.

Bakugou suddenly spoke up from behind me now, nagging into my earpiece.

"Wait a minute! Shitty Hair knows about this, too!? What the hell!!" Bakugou hissed out into my earpiece, trying his best to stay quiet.

"Bakugou, bro!! You're okay! You know about Margo now? Listen, we're here to save you—" Eijirou began saying.

"—How many times do I have to tell you dumbasses I don't need saving—"

"—Can everyone shut up!" I called out, trying to decide what to do now.

"Margo, I am here. What's your location?" Eijirou asked from the other side of the line.

"Are you alone? Bakugou and I are too deep into villain territory right now. This is way too dangerous for you." I whispered to him in worry.

"I'm not alone. I have some of the UA guys with me. Oh, and Yaoyorozu. But, don't worry. I'm in the bathroom right now, so they don't know I'm talking to you. I don't want to blow your cover." Eijirou explained quickly.

I needed to decide the best course of action to take, in order to protect the UA students, Bakugou included.

"Okay. Either way, I need to get Bakugou out of this part of the facility. It's on tight lock down and meticulously set with traps and cameras, that even pro heroes couldn't get past." I told Eijirou, watching Bakugou lean against the wall now.

"Why don't we meet halfway? That way you don't have to escort him the entire time. I need you to be safe, too." He replied softly, his tone of voice making me want to be next to him.

I sighed in acceptance, as I spoke through the line again.

"Eijirou, there is no safe way for me to do this. Just by being here with Bakugou, I'm taking a very big risk. I'm not going to escort him halfway, only to have you guys get caught. I'm all in with this. I'm going to help." I stated firmly, noticing how quiet Bakugou had become now.

He was looking at the ground absentmindedly, taking in our conversation.

"Margo. I won't let you put yourself in that much danger—" Eijirou argued, before I cut him off.

"—Just by you being here, you're also in a lot of danger. It's not just me. This is a two way street here. We're both risking something by doing this. We just need to be careful and trust each other. We can do this. Together." I remarked to him softly.

I really missed him.

I heard silence from the other end of the line. Eijirou was probably debating with himself on what to do.

After a few moments, I heard him let out a small sigh.

"Hell yeah. We can do this together—" Eijirou began saying, before more static cracking came through from the line

"Eijirou Kirishima, you're in trouble." Aizawa suddenly called out from my earpiece.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Eijirou and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Kirishima, did you really think I didn't have more than one device to speak with Margo?" Aizawa scoffed in annoyance.

"W-Wait. If you're getting reception. Does that mean..." Eijirou started, trailing off in realization.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now