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"Yes! Yes! Yes! I got principal Nezu as the teacher I'm supposed to fight!" Mina cheered, hugging me and practically body slamming me to the floor.

"Oh, that's right. He's who you wanted for your final exam! Think you'll have an easy win?" I asked her.

"Oh, hell yeah! What do you think Kaminari?" Mina exclaimed, dragging Kaminari over to us.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Totally, totally. I mean have you seen the little dude? Nothing vicious about him." Kaminari scoffed, taking a bite of his sandwich.

I chuckled slightly at Mina and Kaminari's nonchalantness.

"Okay. Well, just don't underestimate your opponent." I replied, feeling a little unsure they would pass.

"Margo, you can't underestimate something you've already won." Kaminari explained matter of factly, waving a finger at me.

" haven't won yet..." I reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly." He retorted, stuffing the rest of his sandwich in his mouth.


I looked over at Mina, silently asking her to interpret what Kaminari just said.

She simply rolled her eyes at him, shrugging in confusion.

".....right. Well, good luck then!" I chimed out, seeing Eijirou stretching nervously in the corner.

He was the first one up in the physical final exams, along with Sato.

It was exam week, and the entire class had just finished up their written exams.

Now, it was time for the physical exams. Of course, I wouldn't be allowed to participate. Considering....the whole 'league of villains' circumstances.

"Nervous?" I asked Eijirou, walking over to him.

"Huh? No—well....I guess, maybe a little bit. I mean, Cementoss seems like a cool guy. But, I've never really seen him in action. I don't know how powerful he really is." He said unsurely, stretching his arms over his head now.

"True. But, it's just cement. Your quirk is way stronger than that. You just have to be smart about it." I reassured him, leaning back against the brick wall.

"Hopefully. I'm just bummed I don't get to see you out there, today. I bet you would have kicked some serious ass!" Eijirou exclaimed, grinning widely at the thought.

Before I could respond, a certain blonde explosion bitch came over to chime in.

"Yeah. About that. Why the hell aren't you participating in this? You're not that special, that you can just skip it." Bakugou sneered at me, putting his hand on his hip.

"Uh—It's like Mr. Aizawa said....the number of students is now odd with me here. I wouldn't have a partner to do it with. He said I can take a makeup exam over the summer." I reasoned, using the excuse Aizawa told me to tell the class, in case they asked why I wasn't participating.

Bakugou simply narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're full of shit. That makes no sense." He simply retorted, causing my heart beat to pick up.

Oh shit. Is he catching on?

Suddenly, I felt Eijirou sling a friendly arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"Hey man, she's not lying! I was there when Mr. Aizawa said that to her." Eijirou lied, trying to cover for me.

Bakugou was quiet again, glaring at Eijirou.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now