"I - oh." Teagan doesn't know how to answer that. This girl seems - Strangely well adjusted for someone who had such a horrid thing happen to her. . . Then again - she was a bit loony. So that made sense also.

"Morning Teagan and-" Thad's eyes land on Chrysanthemum and he looks at Teagan in question who shrugs.

"Right. Well, let's head towards the stables. Professor Gripes says we can practice before try outs this afternoon."

Teagan feels the excitement in her stomach as it flips harder the closer they get to the horses. Inside the stables smell of hay and horse dropping, leather rises as an after smell and a subtle hint of burning coal. Must be the furnace where the saddle braces are made.

"Welcome to Heaven Reachers." Thad smiles and waves at one of the stable boys as the walk into a large airy horse house.

Teagan's eyes adjust to the dim lighting inside and she sees a beautiful horse in one of the stalls gently moving back and forth, as if anticipating the arrival of the young people. The horse is Majestic with a golden sheen coat. Its eyes were the color of the early morning sky, nearly clear, and its wings, gloriously golden wings, the tops seemed as if they were dipped in the sun when he flew over it.

"Who are you?" Teagan breaths, eyes not moving from the dear creature. She out stretches her hand slowly and lets the horse come closer on its own. Teagan can't deny the thrill that shoots through her when the horse places its soft muzzle in the palm of her hand willingly.

"That's Lyra. She's a beautiful sun dancer, she is." Thad smiles proudly at the horse. "As temperamental as one too. I'm surprised she's letting you touch her actually." Thad says while scratching his impossibly fluffy black hair.

Chrys smiles softly and tilts her head at the horse. "She seems to like Teagan doesn't she."

Teagan finds this a fact she likes, her heart swells at the thought and realization that this creature, one she's never even come this close to, likes her.

"But I don't think she's the best one to learn on for you Teagan." Thad says slowly as if trying not to hurt anyone's feelings. Including Lyra's.

Teagan shakes her head. "No- I want this one."

"Teagan, horse flying is hard... You can't just -"

"Oh, let her. What's the worst that could happen aside from her falling from masterful heights and breaking her neck?" Chrys says with a wide smile as she pats Teagan bravely on the shoulder.

Thad throws the strange girl a befuddled look then notices Teagan doesn't seem to care. He sighs and takes off his glasses. "Better find the right saddle for you at least. Come on."

Teagan's never been so excited for anything in her entire life.

Except maybe joining Ridgemoor in the first place...

This comes in a close second.





"Ease off on the reins, there you go... Easy Tea, easy there." Thad was watching her closely from his own black mount, Teagan thinks he might be showing off his riding skills just a tad.

Chrys had flown off long ago. She seems to be an expert at this.

Lyra was a tad unsteady as Teagan tries to keep her weight evenly distributed, the wings were twice the horses size and almost as wide as they flap on either side smoothly, keeping them aloft, Teagan's beginning to see the main problem, aside from balancing, would be space control.

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