oh christmas tree! oh christmas tree!

Start from the beginning


meanwhile with the dekusquad...

todoroki: what's going on over there? they're so loud.

midoriya: it seems like they're making kacchan wearing a santa outfit like everyone else!

iida: it's inappropriate that they have to make such a scene, but i will let them make how much noise they wish since it is christmas!

tsuyu: that must've taken a lot of effort to get bakugo in that santa costume

tsuyu: he can be a real pain in the butt

uraraka: pfft yeah

uraraka: but i like to believe that he still has a sweet side to him

uraraka: i still think that the guys in our squad are sweeter

midoriya: w-wha? n-no we a-ar- we r-really a-aren't

tsuyu: i mean kirishima, sero, and kaminari are nice, even though that kaminari is a little perverted, but they're just a chaotic group

uraraka: yeah really

iida: they are definitely the rowdiest group i've ever met

midoriya: but they're kinda fun that way

todoroki: yeah

todoroki: even if you like the peace and quiet, it's nice to be in a group like them once in awhile-


*back to the bakusquad*

we finally managed bakugo to stay in his santa outfit. he definitely didn't like it. he kinda reminded me of a cat (not gonna lie). but, i think eventually, he just gave up. i mean, even if it's not the right way, and he's not wearing the whole thing, he's still wearing it.

after sato announced that the food was finally all done, there was a sudden long line for the food. looks like it'll take awhile for me to get food since i'm just getting in line. but, at least i'm standing in line with my friends!

i was in line with bakugo, kaminari, and sero. the only one that wasn't there was mina since she was more near the front of the line because she's with uraraka, tsuyu, and jirou. the last person in line, which was the person behind sero, was tokoyami.

after about 25 minutes, everyone had gotten their food and settled in a place to sit and eat. i sat with bakugo on my left and kaminari and sero on my right. on one couch over, mina was sitting with uraraka, hagekure, jirou, and momo. on the next one was tsuyu, tokoyami, ojiro, and aoyama. midoriya, todoroki, and iida sat on another, smaller couch. and kouda, shoji, mineta, and sato sat in individual chairs.

as we ate, aizawa-sensei showed up with eri. everyone ate a lot and after a few minutes, jirou started playing her guitar. it was really fun! a few people started singing and i think kaminari and mina were some of them. as expected, bakugo wasn't participating n anything. actually, he went off somewhere to do his own thing. i'm guessing he went to his room.

i joined him after having a bit of fun for myself. but, i'd have to admit that i'd probably be more fun if bakugo was there. i knocked on his door and when he said to come in, i opened the door and walked in.

bakugo was laying down, reading a book. he hadn't bothered to take off the santa outfit, which i was a bit surprised about, but it was cute, so i was glad. he moved his feet, so i sat at the end of the bed.

kiri: why did you leave the party? it was fun!

bakugo: i just needed some quiet

bakugo: it was too noisy

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