Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


My eyes slowly opened from the bright sun as I stretched my body that felt unbelievably sore. I was rubbing the sleep off my eyes when I noticed my nudity under the blanket that was covering me.

A glance around the room was enough to realize that I was alone in here. Why did I feel so lost? I wondered and planned on getting up to look for something to put on. But the moment I tried standing up, the jelly like feeling in my leg and the sudden dizziness caused me to collapse with a huge rockus.

It was only seconds afterwards in which I massaged my throbbing head that the door opened. Reiji stood there, staring at me like he hadn't seen me for ages. Especially after he came and hugged me like the world depended on it. Therefore, I was a bit surprised and overwhelmed at his sudden move towards me.

His embrace, his arms around me felt somehow so nice that I remained silence. "Oh hell, you're alright? You are really alright. Right?" He rambled.

"Y-yeah, why shouldn't I be?" I wondered in confusion.

"Why? Because I hopelessly tried waking you up for the past three days but you were like dead. I really thought you were, I even called our best doctor and still you wouldn't budge," he still seemed to be panicking a little when he finally calmed down. "I was just so scared. I thought it was my fault."

"Wait, I was out out for three days?" I widened my eyes and gently parted from the warming ebrace.

Rei's eyes were a bit red as if he hadn't properly slept for a while, automatically giving me a bad feeling as if it was fully my fault.

"C'mon let me give you something to put on," he reached out his hand to me, helping me up with this gesture. Despite having apparently slept for a long time, the strength had still not returned to me. Therefore, I had to get a bit support from Rei until I was clothed with a regular t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"You don't, you know, have something to eat here?" I was so hungry. Well, seeing that I hadn't eaten for days it was no surprise.

"Unfortunately not," he shook his head. "But I'll tell the doc to bring something since he's on the way here anyway, okay?"

I gave him a greatful smile before he quickly left to follow his words. Meanwhile, I was throwing a glance at the room's mirror where I came to notice how awful I looked. Pale, bags under my eyes and even my hair lost a bit of its color. It will probably take another two or three days to recover completely. But I had my doubts when I spotted the mark on my neck.

That's when I saw Rei leaning against the door frame as he was observing me with a rather dejected gaze. "Will you ever tell me what I'm missing out about you?"

I averted my gaze after I made it clear for him to sit down next to me. He hesitated a bit before he joined me. "Whatever I say," I looked at him. "You need to know that I really didn't want to lie to you."

"Shit, if you talk like that you'll make me even more anxious," he chuckled bitterly.

"I can assure you that this between us, I never lied about that. What I feel for you is real, okay?" I leaned my head against his shoulder and side. "Um first of, my name is not really Mika Devens. It's-," a knocking noise made me stop within the sentence.

Rei's stare sticked a few seconds longer on me before he got up to open the door. I sighed. He will definitely despise me now. Once he returned, he was in company with a tall asian man, wearing a white smock as he was carrying a silver case.

"Good afternoon, it's nice to see you awake," he greeted me where his accent was clearly standing out. "I'm Sawamura-san, Ignil-sama's house doctor." He had a very friendly aura around him, I noticed as he put his case down to shake my hand. "I hope it is okay to make a check up."

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