Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Here I was, standing in front of the huge building in the middle of the night. Means, it was dark, there were some lights on but the majority were turned off. And that was not any kind of building, it was a school building, a boarding school. A place I always wanted to go to. And it took me a whole day to get here.

I sighed and hoped that I was still welcomed at this time when I pulled my bag in the direction of the entrance door. It was weird since I didn't know whether I should ring the bell or just open the door. At the end of the day, I went with ringing the bell and waiting for some kind of response.

And surprisingly the door opened by itself when suddenly a light ball appeared that briefly blinked in front of me before it started to... guide the way, I think?

"Alba," I whispered once I noticed that she wasn't sitting on my shoulder anymore. But my worry was quickly gone when I spotted Alba chasing after the light. So, I hurried after, trying not to loose track of them. At the end the light disappeared in front of the door, and Alba was forced to fly back to me.

I gulped and slowly opened the door. A slight insecure feeling brewed in my stomach when I landed in a sectary's office and well the woman sitting in front of her desk wearing strict glasses didn't even pay me attention. Her nose was stuck up in a book the whole time which made it difficult for me to judge the atmosphere.

Should I sit down? Am I inappropriate now? Should I come back later? I took a deep breath and pushed my doubts aside and just went with what I thought was right.

That's how I took a seat in front of the grey-haired woman and sharply waited for her to notice me. It took some time until she finally put the book away and turned her eyes to me with a long sigh. "Late, aren't you?" She put her glasses off, placing it on the table.

"Yes, madam and I apologize for that," I honestly said. Her eyes were glowing in a venomous green that left a scary feeling in me. She let her tongue slide over her lips, making it easy for me to understand.

She gave the feeling of a snake.

"Then, what can I help you with?" Her eyebrows were thin, arched and her hair tied up in a neat bun.

"I want to be going to this school," I insisted indeterminately. "And graduate."

An eyebrow immediately shot up in disbelief as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You need to be at least sixteen to be permitted to visit this school and as usual the consent form of a parent."

"I am seventeen," I corrected her since she sounded like she assumed I was younger. "And is there no way to get in here without a consent?"

"I'm afraid not," she shook her head and put her glasses back on, indicating how she was not willing to pay me the attention that I was seeking for.

"Then," I pulled out a sack out of my backpack and let it fall on the table. The impact drew her attention back in an instant as she observed the sack with suspicion. "Is this enough to change your mind?"

She opened the bag and got a glimpse inside after fixing her glasses. "This is corruption," she mumbled. All of the sudden a deceitful smirk crept up her lips as she let the sack vanish in her cupboard. "You can start the day after tomorrow. Just fill this in." She handed me a paper with spots I had to fill in personal information, but of course more than 50 percent were just made up.

I smiled at her and about the fact that it actually worked. This was definitely something I would never in my life handle like this. But it's not like I have many choices and then again; running away, even leaving home is also not something I would do.

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