Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


The next day Rei and I got to P.E together. I noticed more and more how people were actually staring at us, like we were from different worlds. First, I assumed it was simply because I was the new guy and it was out of curiosity but later on as I heard some of their whispering, I figured that that was not the case.

"Hey, do you notice how everyone is staring at us?" I glanced at Rei. Though he just shrugged like it didn't matter to him.

Those concerns quickly faded away as soon as we arrived at the gym because a way bigger problem appeared.

Everyone was preparing for swim class.


I and swimming...

Just as someone nudged me to the side, I managed to snap back, realizing afterwards that Dora was talking to me. "Hey," she smiled.

"Hi, I didn't know we have gym class together." I greeted back before glancing around, spotting Rei talking to some boys I was not accustomed with. Thus, I turned back to Dora.

"I heard you stayed over at Reiji's. It's so hard to believe that someone like him is going out with a decent guy like you," she shook her head when we both gazed in his direction.

"I think it's nice. Experiencing new things with him," I pursed my lips.

"I don't even want to know, what you guys have already done," she raised her hands, not wanting to have anything to do with it. "Just remember that I've warned you."

"Yeah I know," I nodded.

"But don't you think, you are rushing it a bit," she wondered.

"Rushing? Wait, you mean there is a certain time a relationship has to proceed?" Why didn't she mention that earlier?

Dora blinked for a few times, confusion hovering in her eyes. "You know what, nevermind. It's fine," she waved away, dropping the subject.

"So what are we all waiting for?" I wondered, as I looked around. We were standing in front of the gym with everyone having their bags with them, excluding me, whilst standing around.

"For-," Dora was about to answer when a well built older man appeared, interrupting everyone conversations.

"Good morning everyone, excuse me for my late arrival, but today, as you can see, we are having our first swim class for this semester and I had to do some preparations. So, since everyone is probably out of practice, I would suggest we will start today's period with some simple and quick revision exercises, alright?"

Every one nodded as they left to head to the changing rooms, I assumed, while I stood there not knowing what to do. Rei winked at me before following everyone else, only Dora frowned at me when I wasn't coming along.

"What are you waiting for? Oh now that I notice you don't have anything with you," she realized.

"Well I didn't learn swimming over night," I pointed out.

"Ah right, right. Okay then, I'll leave you alone." She waved me goodbye so that it was only the teacher and I standing in the room.

The teacher wasn't looking at me, instead he was busy with some files he had in his hands. That's why I haf to approach him on my own and reach out for his attention. "Excuse me sir?"

He looked up in curiosity and asked, "Oh hello? Are you new?"

"Uh yeah, I'm Mika Devens," I introduced myself.

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