A Bubbly Personality?

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Takes place Season 4 Episode 8. I am not responsible for any spoilers in the comments.

Special thanks to @Lunaristical for coming up with a scene in this chapter. ❤️

Marley had just been lying on the front porch, close to sleep, but feeling too hyper vigilant to actually fall asleep. She had briefly wondered how the teddy bear doctors were doing, but ultimately decided that the lack of crying being heard was a good sign that they weren't scarring the poor child for life.

The door creaked open and Sam stepped outside with Dean close behind.

"She's grabbing her things and then we're gonna take her to a friend's house. Seems like there's a wishing well that's granting people's wishes." Sam explained calmly to Marley as he knelt down beside her, scratching her head.

"But I'm guessing you already knew that huh wolfie?"

Marley let out a quiet growl at Dean. She knew she had messed up, but how was she supposed to know it was a magic wishing well where wishes came true?

"Give her a break Dean."

"Is that your puppy?"

All heads swiveled to look at the young girl who squealed in delight before running over and hugging the wolf. Marley sat perfectly still, every muscle in her body tense.

"She's so cute!" She kissed Marley on the nose. "I love her so much."

"Audrey this is Marley.... our dog." Sam said slowly.

Dean was off to the side smirking at how uncomfortable Marley was. Marley was death glaring him, but didn't dare move under the child. Sam finally managed to coax Audrey off of the wolf by promising to let her ride on his shoulders on the walk to the house. She giggled with joy as she saw how tall she was now. They all walked to the neighbor's house with Audrey talking about her teddy bear and tea parties nonstop. When they arrived, everyone went inside as the boys explained to the lady the situation, although Marley had no idea what the specifics were because Audrey had gotten ahold of her leash and dragged her back to a bedroom.

"You're going to love tea parties." Audrey's voice was high with excitement.

In under a minute Marley was sitting in front of a table wearing a pink feathery boa, a plastic princess tiara, and was staring at an empty cup in front of her.

"I'm so pleased that you were able to join me." Cue the awful British accent. "Would you like a scone?"

She placed a cookie on Marley's plate. Marley leaned front and sniffed it before tentatively licking it. It was disgusting so she just went back to sitting there tuning out Audrey's annoying voice. She jolted back into reality when Audrey moved towards her.

"Here's some more tea for you Sweetiepie."

She took the cup and forced it into Marley's mouth.

This of course is the moment that the Winchester brothers walked into the room. Sam's face was one of confusion and amusement. His head was tilted to the side with his mouth slightly agape, with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. And then there was Dean. He was leaning against the doorframe staring, with humor glinting in his green eyes. He only lasted a solid 5 seconds before he lost it in a fit of laughter. I mean Marley looked absolutely ridiculous right now. Sam looked over at his brother and couldn't help the smile that came on his face. This was the first time Dean had really smiled since he came back from hell and he wasn't just smiling, he was full on belly laughing.

Marley glared at them and shook off her ridiculous costume before trotting past the boys with a growl. They immediately followed after her.

"Oh come on Marley it was funny! It's not my fault you looked freaking hilarious!"

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