I Threw A Wish In A Well

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Takes place Season 4 Episode 8. I am not responsible for any spoilers in the comments.

Marley sighed as she took a sip of her water. The past couple weeks had been quiet, and quite honestly, she was enjoying it. No monsters, no Bobby, no Winchesters, no PEON, no hunting. Just quiet. After getting spelled by that witch, Marley was 100% okay with taking a break. Sure she had continued traveling and not staying in one spot, but it was just like a road trip filled with relaxation and food. Speaking of food... the waitress placed a plate of egg rolls, lamb hot pot, pork stir fry, and rice down in front of her. Oh the deliciousness that was Chinese food. She picked up her chopsticks and dug in.

Two days ago she had made a pit stop in the small town of Concrete, Washington and had been there ever since. Lucky Chins was the name of the restaurant in which she was currently indulging herself, and this was not her first visit to the palace who's slogan was "Good things happen to those who eat." And man were they right. The town had little else to offer, but this restaurant made it worth it. She figured she'd hang out for another two or three days before heading on to the next town. And she planned on enjoying this restaurant as long as she was here. Her eyes flitted to a man who looked to be in his 40s as he threw a coin in the wishing well that was at the back of the restaurant, close to where she was currently sitting. He had short curly brown hair and was wearing a navy button up shirt with the top two buttons undone revealing a white undershirt. He seemed just like an average citizen and Marley decided that's all he was. But apparently her gaze was on him a moment too long, because when he turned around he caught her gaze.

He shrugged with an abashed smile. "Silly I know. But what have I got to lose?"

And then he walked away. Marley shrugged it off and went back to eating.

However after she had paid the bill, she found herself walking back to the wishing well with the creepy Buddha statue looking over it. There weren't very many coins in the old, and fairly filthy, well. Her mind flashed back to a memory from when she was a child. She was with a foster family, one of the few times she wasn't in a group home, and they had taken her to the mall. Marley was only about 10 at the time, the same age as the family's biological daughter. They had all taken a trip to the mall and she remembered how the mother had smiled upon both of the girls as they tossed their coins into the water. It was one of the few happy memories from her past, and Marley clung to it. Perhaps the nostalgia for that memory is what caused her to pull the coin from her pocket, or maybe she just figured why the heck not? As the memory played in her mind, she tossed the coin into the water and watched the ripples race across the water only to bounce off the wall of the fountain. How had things gotten so complicated for her? She supposed it had all started when she was turned into a genetic mutated freak, and then discovered that monsters and demons were real. She just wanted a normal life. A life where she could live with a family that made wishes in mall fountains. She wished she didn't have to be part wolf.


When Marley awoke in her motel room the next morning, she felt something was off. She wasn't quite sure what, but she felt different. When she got out of bed her eyes landed on an outlet on the wall. Marley tilted her head to the side. That wasn't right. As she glanced around she realized that she was seeing things from a shorter height than normal.

What the heck? Marley shook it off and shifted back into her human form. Every once in awhile she would have a dream and she would unconsciously shift into her wolf form. Marley was never quite sure what triggered it and sometimes she didn't even remember the dream. But at this moment, Marley realized something was wrong... she couldn't shift. What on earth? She focused. But nothing happened. This could not be happening. She was stuck as a wolf.

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