Sheriff Stabbington

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This is an original chapter that takes place during Season 5 Episode 3-4. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.


And she certainly wasn't expecting the knife in her gut.

Her lips parted as a gasp left her body and her hands shot to the wound. Her eyes looked down and saw the back quarter of a knife and handle protruding from her gut. A cough came out of her mouth, and blood came along with it. Her gaze briefly lifted to look at the man before she stumbled back towards the wall and used it to slowly slide down. She winced as she went to pull out the knife. It quickly became apparent that removing it was not an option.


Marley's head rolled to the left and she almost laughed at the sight that met her eyes. The sheriff had her gun drawn and aimed at the man that had stabbed her. The man in the green plaid had managed to get to his feet, but was keeping all his weight on his right leg. His scream when she broke it must have caught the sheriff's attention.

The stabby man raised his hands slowly and spoke in a calm voice. "Evening ma'am."

Her eyes flitted over to Marley and recognition flashed through them before her gaze returned to the men. "Care to explain what you gentlemen are doing back here?"

"We're with the FBI. We were sent here to detain this violent criminal." He gestured towards Marley, lies dripping off his tongue with the ease of a Winchester. "She fought back and broke my partner's leg."

Jody looked over at Marley and frowned. "What is she accused of?"

Marley looked at them, despite dying, she was honestly curious as to what exactly she was being accused of.

"Multiple counts of theft, identity fraud, and first-degree murder."

A sarcastic comment was on the tip of her tongue but it died as pain shot through her again. She glanced down and saw that blood was thoroughly coating her hands.

"Well she needs to get to a hospital and then you can take her into custody once she's healed."

"You're right. We've got it from here."

"Jody," Marley was surprised how weak her voice sounded. "They're not real agents."

She knew if she went with them, she was a goner for sure. Her only hope was getting Jody to step in.

"You boys have a supervisor I can call? After all I can't have people killing each other in my town."

"Of course."

The man didn't miss a beat and he reached into his back pocket for his wallet. He passed Jody a business card and she dialed the number on it.

The phone rang twice before the man picked up.

"Agent Willis speaking."

"Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills-" She stopped short, her brow furrowing. She knew that voice. "Bobby?"

The stabby man shifted nervously on his feet, realizing that things might not be going as smoothly as he hoped. Marley couldn't stop the small smile that came onto her face.

"Is this Bobby Singer?"

"Look I don't know who this is," Bobby tried playing it off. "But this is agent Tom Willis of the FBI."

"Bull crap."

"Wait." Marley spoke up as she realized that Jody was about to hang up on him. "Tell him what's happening. Please."

Don't Go Eating My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora