Second Chances

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This chapter takes place after Season 5 but before Season 6. However it may contain spoilers for Season 6. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

"You let him live?"

Crowley's voice was tinged with slightly restrained anger. Marley was standing in front of him, hands clasped behind her back as she stared at the wall right behind his head. She refused to meet his gaze. It was just another mission, and another hunter that was in the way, so she killed him... but she let his son live. As soon as she made the decision to capitalize on the loophole, she knew it was wrong, but she couldn't bring herself to kill a kid when he hadn't done anything. It was just a dad showing his teenage son the ropes, a simple hunting job that had turned into finding an idiot with a demon deal, who had the Hound after him.

As soon as Marley had entered the scene, the raw fear in the hunter's eyes told her everything she needed to know. Word was beginning to spread that the Hound killing the idiots was out for the blood of anyone that stood in her way. However hunters and their freaking moral compass as strong as it was, still refused to just let her do her job without interference. So yada yada yada, you know the story, her or them, she chose her.

She had the dad on the ground, blood gushing out his side from where her claws had raked against his ribs. The son, who hadn't gotten in the way of her mission, but had shot a salt round at her and nailed her in her right flank to get her away from his dad, was her current focus. She stalked toward him, the fact that she was limping did not detract from the power and menace with which she moved.

"Please." Her body tensed at the word, her paws hesitating for a moment at the desperation in the older hunter's voice. "Don't hurt him. Do whatever you want with me, but please don't kill him. He has nothing to do with this, he's just a kid."

The boy in front of her flexed his hands around the barrel of his sawed off, it shaking ever so slightly in his hands. The man behind her wasn't wrong. Technically, he was the one that had gotten in the way of her mission, the kid had only gotten involved when she turned on the dad. Loophole would say the kid is in the clear, and honestly Crowley had never given her a direct order on what to do in this situation. The longer she stared at the boy in front of her, the faster her heart began to beat, the more she could feel her body twitching, and the more her brain swirled with a memory that barely had a foothold in her consciousness.

A little boy in a motel room, tears streaming down his face, his eyes wide in fear at the sight of the blood that covered her. His scream of terror right before she had ripped out his trachea. A little boy that had done nothing wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The nervous energy rippling through her muscles became too much and she finally exploded, launching herself at the kid. So startled was he, that instead of firing a shot off, he dropped the gun as she tackled him. He was shaking beneath her, trembling, but to his credit he wasn't a complete blubbering mess and no tears fell. She let out a bone chilling growl in his face that caused him to shiver beneath her in fear before she shifted.

Her legs straddled the boy, and she slowly leaned back, her eyes still a firey blue as she kept her gaze locked on him. "You are going to stay here while I finish my job. Once I am gone, you can move. You move an inch before then, and you'll never be able to sing 'once I was 20 years old'."

The kid's eyes darted to his right, his voice laced with fear. "Dad..."

"It's okay," He choked out the words, tears shining in his eyes as he tried to offer what he prayed was a reassuring smile. "Just do what she says, you'll be okay." He took one last shaky breath, emotion shining in his eyes. "I love you."

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