Detour on the Highway to Hell

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This chapter takes place after Season 5 but before Season 6. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

4 days. 4 freaking days. Crowley had poofed Marley back to his house, told her to stay, and promptly disappeared. Marley didn't think that she could be any more annoyed with Crowley than she had been when she took the deal. She was wrong.

She knew she shouldn't be complaining, but she was pissed off. What kind of demon makes a special deal, turning down a person's soul to get said person, and then leaves them by themself to do nothing!? He just had to have her, and yet he wanted nothing to do with her.

After 1 day, Marley had tried leaving, only to discover that she was being kept inside by some invisible force- her best guess was witchcraft of some sort. After 2 days, Marley was beginning to feel a little irked. After 3 days, she was stewing. And now, after 4 days, she was ready to rip his head off. The demon's timing coming back could not have been more perfect. Marley was at peak anger, pacing in front of the fireplace when the smell of sulphur entered her nose, causing her to stop abruptly, her eyes scanning the room for him, but he was nowhere.

When she spoke, the annoyance was clear. "Where the heck are you?" She was met with silence and a growl escaped her. "I can smell your scotch drenched, fake Armani wearing, sulphuric butt."

A chuckle emerged from the shadows, followed by the demon himself entering the room, his shoes clicking on the hardwood. "I'll have you know this is a Dolce and Gabbana."

Marley fixed him with a glare, ignoring the way he slightly opened his jacket as if to prove his statement and show off the fine clothes. "I have been here for FOUR DAYS! Where the heck have you been?"

"My gosh, I had no idea you would be so needy." He paused for a moment in thought, the look in his eyes changing to something close to smugness. "No wonder Dean always kept you at arms length."

Her entire body bristled, causing Crowley to smirk in success, so she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to give him any more satisfaction. She watched as he crossed the room and poured himself a glass of scotch. The bar was the only thing that had been replaced in his house, which Marley normally would have found amusing, but she was too pissed off. She honed in on that feeling and continued her tirade.

"Well newsflash Douche and Gabby," Marley gestured towards his stupid suit that she knew he took way too much pride in. "You can't just leave me locked up here for the next 10 years!"

Crowley straightened slightly, and he set his glass on the bar before turning to face the fuming girl. The fire in her eyes flickered for a moment as he began coming towards her. There was a dangerous air to the way he moved, and if Marley wasn't so sure of her power, she would have shrunk back.

"I can. In fact, I can do whatever I want with you, because I own you." Crowley came to a stop in front of her, his eyes weren't black, but they might as well have been. "So if I want to leave you here for a week, a month, or the whole ten years, I CAN!"

Marley's hands were clenched into fists, two seconds away from ripping out his throat. When she spoke, venom laced her words as she spit them out as if they were hot coals burning her tongue.

"You do not own me."

"If I tell you to jump, you jump. If I tell you to sit," Crowley raised his hand, slowly closing it into a fist and Marley felt that invisible force pushing her towards the ground.

She fought it with every ounce of strength she had, and for a moment Crowley was surprised by just how much power she had in her. Marley on the other hand was feeling a mix of determination and terror. She could feel the pressure on her, forcing her slowly down, but her brain was screaming that she would break her legs before she kneeled in front of him. She felt her eyes glow blue as she tapped even further into her strength in an effort to deny Crowley what he wanted. But even that didn't matter. It was as if she had no control over what her body was doing, even with her resisting and using as much will power as she possibly could, she couldn't fight it. And that terrified her. As her knees continued to bend, the sheer panic spread through her mind in one question: if he could make her do this, what else could he make her do?

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