I Love You ... Seriously? Now?

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This chapter takes place during Season 6 and who knows when during it cause I'm jacking up the timeline and this is an original chapter. Read at your own risk. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

The purr of the impala's engine provided Marley with the same feeling of comfort and safety that she would compare to that of the roar of a fire. She stared out the window as they drove back to Bobby's, taking in the stars that seemed to be shining brighter than normal. Her eyes drifted to her left, settling on Dean whose own eyes were trained on the road.

As someone who had never been on a date, she had had no idea what to expect, especially going on a date with Dean. Saying their relationship was a rollercoaster was an understatement, and she never thought she'd be going on a date with him. But he'd gone above and beyond anything she could have imagined. It was chaotic, stupidly funny, and far from perfect, but thats what made it exactly that. He had really tried... maybe he did feel the same way... and if she was vulnerable with him, maybe he'd be the same in return and who knows what information she would gain.

"I want to show you something."

Dean's head snapped over to look at her, his lips slightly parted in surprised confusion. She hadn't spoken since they had gotten into the car, which he was fine with, he understood the want to sit with your thoughts in silence. His eyes briefly darted back to the road before refocusing on her face and finding the same blank sincerity.

"Okay..." He spoke hesitantly, unsure of what she wanted to show him and what he was supposed to be doing.

Marley nodded her head before using her eyes to gesture out the windshield. "Just keep driving."

And so he did. He kept driving for over an hour, following the occasional directions that Marley gave him. He kept going even when he was pretty sure there was no real destination in mind. There couldn't possibly be. They were in the middle of nowhere. As they approached hour 3, Dean was convinced that Marley was pulling directions out of a hat. They were completely and totally lost, they had to be. They were in the middle of nowhere.

"That last sign said deer crossing. There are no deer!" Marley couldn't help but chuckle, causing Dean to look at her like she had lost it. "There are no deer, no people, nothing!"

"Just trust me. We're almost there."

"Yeah to the crime scene that's gonna be my murder."

Marley couldn't stop the grin that crossed her face, and when Dean saw her out of the corner of his eye, a smile of his own appeared. By the time they turned onto another dirt road, that Dean only identified as a driveway due to its narrowness, the smile was gone, once again replaced with confusion. The headlights of the Impala pulled a small farmhouse out of the darkness and Dean put the car in park. He glanced over at Marley in confusion, but she was already hopping out of the car.

With a little bit of trepidation, Dean also stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him with a slight squeak. He lingered by the Impala as Marley grabbed something from beneath a random rock in the front flower bed area and walked up to the front door. Seconds later, the front door swung open and she disappeared into the darkness.

"We drove over 100 miles to break into someone's house?" Dean's voice carried effortlessly over the flat expanse that was Wahoo, Nebraska.

Marley poked her head back out the door. "I used a key, that's hardly breaking in."

She disappeared back inside, heading to the living room. She hadn't been here in years, in fact the last time she was here was when she talked with Gabe. If he could see her now... she liked to think he'd be proud of her. After all, her plan had worked and she'd help the save the world without killing either of his brothers. The mark on her arm began to burn the longer she looked around and the dust surrounding her enveloped her with a coating of normalcy.

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