Another Reccomendation

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Please don't kill me. I still have nothing to update you all with and I cannot say sorry enough. I'm working full time, sometimes overtime, and finding time to write is just not going great especially cause I haven't felt like writing recently.

Marley and Dean and the gang are very much alive in my head believe me. Annoyingly so. I literally was working on my other fanfic and Marley was screaming at me. So I quick jotted down what she said is happening  in the near future and let's just say... it's a lot darker than what I was planning. So. Yay? Ahhh? Booo? Idk. Y'all decided. 

Anywho. Until such a time as I start updating again, I present to you another fanfic I found that I really enjoyed. The main character Andy gives Marley a run for her money with being sarcastic, and the fantastic BrieBear1 certainly outdoes me on original storyline so I highly recommend going and reading Lullaby if you haven't already.

Hopefully I'll talk to y'all soon ❤️

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