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This chapter takes place during Season 6 and who knows when during it cause I'm jacking up the timeline and this is an original chapter. Read at your own risk. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

IMPORTANT: Please note that there is a 2 month time jump between last chapter and now.

Did you know that everyday in the paper there is a puzzle section? Filled with multiple different puzzles that increase in difficulty level every day of the week until Sunday when it reaches its peak with a New York Times level. Word searches, crosswords, sudoku, word jumbles, ciphers- Marley did them all. She had done them since she was little, after all, stealing a paper was about as easy as it got. All one has to do is wake up early enough and pick a house. By alternating houses or neighborhoods, you could often convince people that their paper service just forgot one day and that it wasn't worth calling and complaining about. Which is also why you must avoid old people. They have nothing but time to call and complain and then you've tripped too many alarms and need to get the heck out of dodge.

But it turns out, Bobby was a classic old man who got the paper every day, so there was no need to steal anyone else's. She would steal the puzzle pages out and leave the rest of the paper in its exact spot with no sign or disturbance. Currently she was flitting between working on the Jumble Crosswords and Sudoku, switching whenever she was stuck for too long. She had just switched back to Jumble Crosswords when a knock on the door frame caused her to look up from where she laid on her belly on top her comforter, legs up and kicking the air in thought. Dean stood there in his jeans and a flannel over a deep purple t-shirt that hadn't looked that good even on the store mannequin. Her eyes lifted to his face with raised eyebrows.

"What's up?"

"Get up, we're going out to eat." He inclined his head back out the door.

Marley nodded her head before going back to her puzzle. "Alright I'm almost done. Just gotta figure out a 7 letter word that means Imbue."

A few moments of silence passed with her staring at the paper. Dean let out a sigh and walked across the room to the bed.

"Come on. Don't make me drag you out of bed."

"I just gotta figure this out." She stressed, her eyes never lifting from the paper.

Another sigh slipped through his lips as he placed his hands on his hips. His eyes looked at the upside down paper as the seconds ticked by, the pen clicking ever so slightly as it tapped against her lips in thought. A minute later and she still hadn't figured it out. Dean wasn't exactly known for his patience.

"It's ingrain, now let's go."

Marley's brow furrowed, her lips mouthing the letters as she mentally placed them into the boxes, only to discover that it did indeed fit, and match up with the G and A that were already filled in from other words. Her head tilted up to look at him, her lips remaining parted in shock.

"How did you-"

"I'll tell you in the car." He spoke as he turned and walked out of the room.

She quickly jotted down the answer before rolling off the bed. She snagged her phone from the edge of the bed and grabbed a sweatshirt from the pile on the ground that she liked to label "yes I wore it, but it didn't really get dirty so it's still clean enough" pile. Her feet thumped down the stairs with their usual pattern and she headed out the front door, her brain not processing that the tv was still on in Bobby's study. When her feet hit the gravel driveway, she saw Dean wasn't in the car, but was standing outside the passenger door, holding it open for her. Weird. Her eyes narrowed slightly at him as she slid into the seat and he closed the door for her before walking around to get behind the wheel. Suddenly, how he knew the answer to her puzzle wasn't the question she wanted to ask.

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