A Note

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Hey y'all. Just want to give you a little update with what's happening. I am still working on my Cobra Kai fanfiction and I'm really enjoying it. Season 5 drops in September!

Because of this I'm not sure when I will be getting back to this book. I am not abandoning this book I swear to you. I still have a lot of ideas and I do have half a chapter written. I will write this story whenever Marley yells at me to. Right now she's still kinda pissed off with having to go with Crowley and she's not really talking to me soooo blame her I guess.

As a little thank you to al of you for sticking around I wanted to share something with you that I found today. I wrote this way back in 2018 when Marley's voice first popped into my head. I had no idea that it would actually be a book that I would write. I didn't even have a name for her, so I simply referred to her as "the girl" as I rushed to write down what she was. I knew nothing about her except that she was a spitfire who loved to piss off Dean and was more sarcastic than even myself. You'll see some similarities with the current version of her, but also some differences, as I developed her and learned more about her, some things changed.

A warning that it is very rough and might be hard to read as I wanted to give you the very much unedited version. It really was me opening my notes app on my phone and typing it down as quickly as I could. I also had never attempted writing Sam and Dean before so they... well let's be honest they do not sound like themselves here. But baby 18 year old me tried.

I hope you enjoy and I do apologize for making you guys wait ❤️

Dean: Can I shoot her

Sam: Not in public

Her: "yeah her has a name, ken doll"

Dean: let me guess Barbie

That would incite that I was into you. I think I'll take a pass on the dream house

Girl walks over to car and trails her hand across it as she admires its

Quit touching her

Scoff* Her? Really? It's a she? Oh let me guess you named her Sarah?

None of your business you little-

Sam: It's baby

Leans across the hood of car and smirks back at Sam before trailing gaze to Dean
Well ain't that just adorable

Dean: growls* Sammy get in the car

Sam: sighs* cmon man I just made a friend

Dean: get in the frigging car!

Girl stands in front of Dean with her arms crossed


Lifts arms up in a surrender position and has a smirk on her face

Dean gets in car and tries to start it. Engine sputters. Looks out window and sees girl smirking and holding a part of the engine.

"Thought this looked important"

Dean: Scrambles to get out of car* ALRIGHT YOURE DEAD

Sam: dying in shotgun*

Girl steps back: "uh huh not until you promise not to kill me"

Dean: scoffs* no and he dives for her but she sidesteps him

Why are you so insistent upon killing me? I mean I'm innocent

Dean: you're a murderer!

It's murderess idiot

Dean lunges for her again but she sidesteps again. This time she twists his arm behind him to a breaking point and presses him against his car
Woulda thought you'd be better at knowing your terminology

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