Chapter 11 - Lack of Afterglow

Start from the beginning

Well, there goes that plan. I dropped my head into the palm of my hand.

"She should be nearly done. Would you like to come in? This old lady cannot be standing around with the telenovela playing."

"Sure." His voice was calm and collected with a slight chuckle. I heard the front door closing and began to panic. How am I supposed to work myself out of this one?

"Do I know you? You look strangely familiar." I heard Abuelita begin. Mierda! (fuck)

I briskly made my way down the corridor, coming into his view. His hair was a beautiful mess, his hands casually in his pockets and he was still standing by the door.

"Ah Mija, a handsome young man is waiting for you."

"Thank you, Abuelita. I think Ricardo is about to stop Sofía's wedding." I mentioned to her, catching a glimpse of the television behind her.

She frantically scurried towards the lounge, seating herself on the edge of the couch with her eyes glued to the screen.

My head snapped back to Nico's, my eyes narrowing on him. I stalked over to him, grabbed his wrist and pulled him aside. I opened the front door and yanked on his arm to stand in front of me again, this time on the door's threshold. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed, causing him to step back into the apartment passage and closed the door behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed at him, my voice low.

"I needed to make sure you were alright. You fucking ran out of the bar into some dangerous alleys in the middle of the night. Are you fucking insane?" His demeanor had now changed to an annoyed one.

"How did you even know where to find me?" I quirked my brow at him.

"I have my ways." He mentioned with a shrug of his shoulders.

Of course. What a stupid question, Sierra. He is next in line to be the Don. I rubbed my forehead, feeling myself rearing those irked emotions.

"We need to talk." He broke me from my thoughts.

"Oh for fucks sakes, not this again." I rolled my eyes, placing my hands on my hips. "What is it with you and fucking talking? Isn't that clingy role saved for the female?"

He smirked, rubbing his hands together before speaking.

"Cute. Here's the difference. I don't want to talk to establish a label for this." He motioned with his hand back and forth between our bodies. "I'm here to make sure you, as the female, are fully aware of where I stand. I am not your knight in shining armor, Princess, and I am definitely not emotionally available for that bullshit."

I stared at him, amused by his stern affirmations.

"First of all, don't fucking call me princess." I pointed my finger at him. "I am the furthest thing from that. Second of all, you really don't have a clue about the woman you just fucked, do you?"

I watched his eyes widen slightly at my abruptness, causing the smugness within me to grow. Before I could continue I heard Benji's door open allowing him to step out and analyze the scene before him.

"Sierra, is everything alright? I heard yelling..." He trailed off. He first looked at me, raising his brows at me being wrapped in nothing but a towel. Mierda (fuck), I forgot about that. Then his eyes landed on Nico. I watched a small grin pull on his lips as he allowed his eyes to wander over him.

"Yes, everything's fine, Benji. Just some drunk idiot trying to sell me magazines at this ungodly hour." I spoke incredulously.

"Yeah, porn magazines." Nico's voice boomed from beside me. I could hear the pomposity before witnessing it on his face as he casually stood there, not flinching at the slightest of awkwardness. My mouth sat agape while I stared at him before turning back to Benji when hearing him speak.

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