Chapter 2: Welcome To Falmart

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Location: Unknown
Time: 0600 Hours

High in orbit above the unknown planet is S.A.T.O Infinity. Upon arriving at the planet they were turning to a new colony, Lasky ordered a small team of Spartans, Sentinels, and Scars to a recon mission to gather any intelligence on the planet.

An hour later after the recon mission, the team is now returning to the Infinity to report.

"Infinity this is Scar 1-1, request permission to land."

"Copy, you are clear to land, runway-2 Lima."

"Roger-2 Lima, coming in now." The raven now landed on the hanger deck of S.A.T.O Infinity. Disembarking the ship they were met with Captain Lasky.


Carter came forward and answered. "Planet has indigenous species, from what the elf told us, the planet is mostly populated with humans and other species that we have not yet recognized."

Lasky nodded. "I'll let you know if Professor Anders, Cortana, and Roland found anything about the land, and the unknown signal was getting. The marines and ODST's have already found a suitable base for a F.O.B (Forward Operating Base), marines from the 45th regiment with S.C.A.R Echo company are now moving the shipment in the hanger and are preparing to load them on the F.O.B."

Location: Hanger 12
Time: 0700 Hours

The inside of the immense cargo hold of the Infinity, stretching from one side of the ship to another, was filled with over a battalion worth of naval and logistical personnel working through the supplied and assets. C-12, Cyclops, munition loaders, and cranes were moving around the supply crates as the crew was busy making preparations for S.A.T.O ground deployment.

Various modules such as barracks, reactors, supply pads, generators, and others were being prepped for their deployment as more ravens and pelican dropships were brought to load the cargo.

At the barracks and vehicle bays, ground personnel was gearing up as the ground vehicles were rearmed, and checked over for mechanical issues. The marines of the 45th Regiment with S.C.A.R Team Echo company were now gearing up. Putting on their standard SATO issue Warfighter combat rig and grabbing a CLAW modular assault weapon system from the lockers.

60% of the personnel on board the Infinity were veterans of the Human-Covenant and Interplanetary War. They didn't care for honor, they had their fair share during the war campaign. No, the soldiers were more concerned if they would be able to make it back to S.A.T.O space.

Naval Logistic Officer Lieutenant Commander Lee- Yung Nwobu was marching through the cargo bay of the ship with a datapad on one hand while using the other to direct various personnel to put supplies. The 5'9 ft African-Korean descent naval officer was given the arduous task of organizing the logistical effort of the Infinity ground operation. Not only did he have to manage ammunition and fuel, but also replacement parts, food, water, and everything ground forces would need on their deployment.

"I want those ravens filled up to the brim. They launch in 30 minutes! C'mon people, we have a base to build!" He yelled out.

Nwobu looked down again to his datapad to see reports from the Huragok and Engineers inspecting the vehicles aboard the ship.

"Sir." A hangar deck crew called out to him. "T-740s, Cyclops, Pitbulls, and Mastodon Apc's are now fully armed and loaded and are ready for loading."

"Good, load the vehicles and prepped for transport." He said as the personnel nodded and ran towards the aviators.

Meanwhile, at the barracks of the Marines 45th regiment, Colonel Christian Alvarez marched down the barracks where rows of marines from U.N.S.C and U.N.S.A were fully armed and were standing in attention.

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