Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness

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He paused in mid-sentence and sighed heavily. Aunt Turkan, looking at him, threw up her hands and folded them in front of her chest in a prayer gesture. She shook her head and said:

- Omer my son, am I not angry with you. They played your life and you cannot be blamed for the fact that you were angry and left. But Defne ... I can't allow this to happen again ..."

Mrs.Turkan," Omer leaned forward and looked straight into her eyes, "I swear." This does not happen again.

But grandmother only mournfully pursed her lips.

"You think so now." But what if Defne again makes you angry and offends you? And you leave her again and go away? What will happen to her? No, "she shook her head," let everything remain as it is. " You will divorce and everyone will live their lives.

Omer dropped his hands. He did not know what else to say and how to convince the person dear to Defne that he had changed and would never again be the same. That his wife is the meaning of his life. And no matter what she does in the future, no matter what mistake she makes, he will not leave her. Do not let go of her hand.

Esra, who was carefully watching Omer's face, turned to grandma Turkan and, looking seriously into her eyes, asked:

"Grandmother, will Defne be happy in this new life without Omer?"

There was silence in the room. Everyone was looking at the girl. Grandma with surprise, Nihan with admiration, Omer - with gratitude. And Mr. Hulusi smiled at her with a kind smile and turned to Turkan.

- Madam Turkyan, your granddaughter is right. Running away from possible insults, part because of fear of new pain, will Defne and Omer not lose the most important thing - their happiness.

Grandmother looked down and thought. She wanted happiness for Defne. Her dear girl deserves it like no other.

"Aunt Turkan," Nihan said, "Defne will never fall out of love with Omer." I know that for sure. If we protect her from him, we will make her very unhappy.

- Allah Allah! Everyone came over me, " grandmother wailed. - And if Defne herself does not want to return to Omer? What can I do then?

"Aunt Turkan," Nihan held out condemningly. - Is that you? When such nonsense stopped you, as someone's delusions?

The eyebrow of Mrs.Turkan slowly crawled up, her shoulders straightened, and a sly glow appeared in her squinted eyes. Nihan exhaled loudly and said:

"Well, that's better." And then got on: "What can I do? If she doesn't want to? "- She so plausibly imitated her grandmother's voice that Mr. Hulusi, Esra and Turkan herself laughed, and even Omer smiled a mean smile.

- We are developing a plan to return Defne to happiness. I'm a think tank!

Defne struggled with herself for a day. She tried not to look at the drawing accessories brought by Omer, but her eyes returned to them again and again. Fingertips tingled with the desire to take a pencil. Before the mental gaze, pictures appeared and the soul demanded to display them on paper. As a result, she could not stand it. She set an easel on her lap, attached a sheet of paper to it and plunged into her world. She drew shoes. Black as her pain. Passion lurked in the weave of scarlet straps, and the heel was so high, thin and impudent that at one glance at him his head was spinning. A sharp toe and elegant lines promised the woman that it was in these shoes that she would confidently rise to the top and stay there forever. Because it is worthy of her.

Having finished the drawing, Defne laid aside the pencil and looked at her work carefully. And she admitted to herself that she likes it. For real. What Omer used to criticize her work for has disappeared.

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