Chapter Eleven: Anything's Possible

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After I won the heisman trophy we now turned our focus on the playoffs, I had high hopes on playing against Alabama but I see that things have changed. Brock Lambert decided to sit out the rest of the season so he could focus on the NFL draft so now we play against SCT. The battle of the Carolina's since the beginning of time we've always been overshadowed by SCT even though we're in the heart of Greenville, and they always looked down on us! They never sent me a offer letter, or even had me on there radar so this game was personal. The last couple of years we've been the most dominant team and SCT has started making a name for themselves so we're looking forward to this match up! At the end of the second quarter both teams were tied 21, to 21 the first half I threw an interception on the first play that went for a touchdown I had to shake the rust off, and regroup. Cortland Mohammed was having himself an explosive first half anything they asked of him he done it, but after we tied the game the defense locked him down before halftime. Coach Gillis brought us into the locker room, the doors were locked shut, and our attention was on him, and the rest of the coaching staff. Now men I don't have to tell you how important this game is to us, for the last four years we've went from nothing to what the media would call a dynasty that happened over night. We've played against every team, and we've beaten them to get back to where we need to be but when it comes to who we're about to play... Coach then took a deep breath, and sighed to himself because when he looked at us it finally hit him because this would be the last time he would be coaching us seniors. This game means more to y'all than it does to me, I don't need to give you guys this hard fought speech on how we're gonna dismantle SCT's offense or how Boogie gonna pick apart there defense I just want to say how proud I am of each one of you. You've taught us so much on family and when the chips are down you pick your teammates up, and you find a way to win. SCT is highly favored to win, even though we're undefeated and play in a tougher conference there hyped, and ready to dethrone us! So the question I have for each and ever one of you is what are you going to do?? That question send shock waves through the rest of my teammates so we answered him with the words Win!! He asked us again, and we told him again, Win! As coach started to get us pumped up we ran out of the locker room hyped! Coach and I were walking together side by side he started to explain to me the game plan, and how I need to take control of the game forget about the first half, watch the way the secondary shifts, and when you have an opening take it! We started the second half tied up and all we need was a brink in the offense, and leave it to Pj, Yogi and yours truly to make that happen! It was the first play of the game the offense was lined up in the shotgun formation. As I watched the play develop I noticed the db's (cornerbacks for the one's who barely watch football) playing cover one I seen Yogi wide open so I threw it deep to him for a 80 yard catch that went in for a touchdown. That play wounded the defense, they wasn't expecting coach Gillis  to come out the gate with a play like that! After a quick three, and out we were back on the field, our offense was starting to click again, and we started to feel the balance of the game shift in our favor so the next play we ran an option play I seen the middle open up so I quickly handed it off to Pj he shifted back up the middle, and ran. All he could see was is the middle of the football field his heart was pacing back, and forth he could see the end-zone but was taken down at the 20 yard line by the strong safety. After a quick run play Pj started to get his wind back so signaled coach to send in Diamanté in we was going to run shotgun wide, (four deep with a tight end, and full back for blocking) as we broke the huddle I looked at the play clock my center Zach hiked the ball I faked once to the left which lead Pj wide open for another touchdown! I pointed to him in the end zone then jogged off the field. It was four minutes on the game clock we were up 56 to 24 ( two rushing touchdowns by yours truly, and Andre) Coach decided to send in Camden Bruce in to replace me I was met with a standing ovation, another undefeated season for the Wolfpack, and it was on to the graduation, and the NFL. As I watched the rest of the game I seen my family sitting over in the corner I noticed Mariah standing beside my sister Angelina so I nodded my head to her, and she mouthed the words I love you back. When the clock went to zero the confetti came from the rooftop this game was in the books the final score was 49 to 24 this victory was our third national championship, and some would say the four year dream has come true for me. To solidify the heisman trophy + three national championships on my college resume!

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