Chapter One: The Decision

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As I was bombarded with questions I quickly heard two familiar voices which was Rocco, and Trae telling everyone to fall back, and give me some space. After I explained to everyone that I plan on announcing my decision at the clubhouse tonight that's when everyone went there separate ways, and I was able to catch up with the crew. So I heard about the trip to the Caribbean's my boy, the only problem I had is that me, and Naomi didn't get an invite? I told Chris to tell you said Lawrence they both looked at him and he quickly brushed off the attention on him. When the rest of my finally made it over to the house Angelina pulled me off to the side, and started asking me have I made my decision yet because with both of us going to the pros it will be just like high school all over again? Man bump all that Chris we already know y'all both are going to the league, and put the city on the map! This year was a big year for the family! Now Chris played for SCT our freshman year before all the drama happened Ohio State knocked on the front door he quickly packed his bags so after two years with Ohio State and a national championship he's contemplating going pro, as for Trae he went off to the university of Georgia after breaking the league in interceptions his junior year his career kinda hit a snag after a season ending injury but he's already announced that he's staying for his senior year so his main focus is to heal and return to the field.  Rocco is still the face that runs the place, and he still runs the south side but after a few of his spots got raided by the police found guns, and marijuana Rocco was still able to beat the charges and still remain a legend! Two years later Rocco is now one of the biggest names in the industry, and my sister Naomi has decided to take Angie's route and form a sports agency. Listen I don't know about y'all but I gotta catch a flight out to California, y'all know it's third quarter, and the label is pushing one of my artist to drop an album said Rocco. Listen handle ya business with that bro, to be honest it's a minute since I've been back home so I kinda want to catch up with the crew. As I continued talking I quick noticed a white Benz pulled up in front of Lyric's house. Oh snap now I know that ain't my girl c pulling up in the new benz said Chris. When she got out of the car I was shocked to see her in Greenville, but she wasn't shocked to see me. So, are you going to be all Hollywood and not speak to me Lyric said loudly from across the street. Boy you better go over there, and speak to her said Rocco. As I went over to speak to her I already knew she wasn't having it! I seen that the girl that got away has changed, she is now one of the biggest wnba stars in the game thanks to her mom and family keeping her grounded she was able to sign a record deal with "roc nation" so If it wasn't about a check, or playing ball she didn't want any part of it. When I tried to tell her the money will always be there, always remember the times when you were struggling, and didn't have it. Lyric slowly took off her sunglasses, looked me up, and down then told me remember what times, because last time I checked you had a chance to stay at SCT but you decided to go pro but you mad that I wanted to be loyal to the hood and I had to go back to school! You switched up on me Boogie you went on to be this big time college football player win two national championships, and dating Esaliya who's riding your wave don't make you the man you are now! So... your mad that I had to make my own decisions, and last time I checked you pushed me away our senior year in high school, Now look at you a three time national championship, first overall pick in the wnba now you want to ridicule me. You know what Boogie don't bother because when it all boils down to it you can be on top for a split second and when everything goes south all these so called friends that be flexing on social media with you will all disappear but look around you were still rocking with you, and never forget that! As she walked inside I instantly felt her pain until I went Inside the house to see a my sister Naomi waiting on me, and the first thing she did was hand me the cell phone. Omar immediately told me to go to his bedroom, and close the door. So how's them grades looking? I told him they're cool Coach Gillis has given an extra tutor to help me stay on the dean's list. Omar proceeds to grill me about the Caribbean trip with Esaliya, he also heard that I've been talking to an agent by the name Paulo Hyman He also reminds me that the NFL isn't going anywhere so I need to realize that these so called friends, and my relationship with British needs to be put on halt and I need to focus on the bigger picture. That's when my sister Angelina walked into the room, and agreed with him. Why don't you tell him about Big Saint said Angelina he said what about him? Big Saint at one time was Chris right hand man they both made sure everyone eats but when Big Saint's right hand man and I got into it four years ago there is still tension and now that Chris is legit Big Saint is out to collect. I wanted to diffuse the situation but I know it's gonna make matters even worse so after my press conference with the media Omar wants me to head back to school until he finds a way to make peace. After that much needed drill from Omar it was time for the press conference! When Chris and I both walked over towards the podium the camera's were steady flashing pictures at us I noticed Lyric sitting on the front row next to my sisters. I also noticed that British was no where in site, and the crew was posted up on the side after some questions from the media Chris went ahead, and told everyone even though this was a tough decision for the both of us he wanted to announce that he was going to enter the NFL Draft. As everyone went into a frenzy the media, and everyone else was waiting to hear me talk I was nervous my palms were sweating so I leaned into the mic, and told everyone thanks for coming out and now it's time to go to work. As everyone cleared out Chris stood there in disbelief at first but he respected my decision. After the press conference went great I decided to stay for my senior year the only problem I was still a little bummed out that Esaliya didn't show up to the press conference so before headed back to SCT I decided to stop by her house. I noticed Lyric sitting on the porch writing in her notepad so I opened the gate and walk towards the house. I took a seat right beside her and that's when she apologized for her actions earlier that day I also apologize for leaving her hanging. She immediately forgave me she also told me that she spoke to her girls about it she guess that having strong emotions for your first love always sneaks up on you at the wrong time. McKenzie told me the last year has been a journey for her she went from sleeping on the couch in college, At times she felt like giving up but she had to go through wasn't a burden it turned out to be a blessing! Hey, if you are ever on the better coast give me a call you can come crash on my couch, and I'll give you a tour of my city. Well I'll take you up on that offer I'm not sleeping on the couch though so if you could make room for ya boy in the bed with you that will be perfect. I'm sorry but my roommate, or your boo won't allow that Lawrence! Oh roommate!! let me find out you shacking up I heard about Justin said Lawrence. So you are keeping tabs on me I knew Bear wasn't lying at the end of the day Esaliya has been chasing you since high school, and we both know you dropped the ball with Mariah but they can never hold the candle to your heart like I could, and besides I been over this roommate is more of a lifetime partner maybe one day y'all will meet until then stay focused champ. I told her I always will.

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