Chapter Five: You Got Me Gone

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It's been a month since school started after we beat South Carolina in our first game the buzz started to go around the school that the Wolfpack is on the verge of a back to back college football championship! When I woke up I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on some clothes then went to my first class. When I walked into I immediately noticed Mac ever since that kiss it's been hard to get back on track, and with Esaliya being in on tour those long distant calls have started to grow old. Honey Boogie is eyeing you hard said Callie. She turned around then turned her attention back to the front of the class. What was that about Mac? She told her she wasn't gonna play second fiddle to a rapper that do anything for clout, Lawrence had his chance and I rather be friends and help him go to the pros but until then this cookie is off limits. Man hush with all that, I don't know why you trying to play when you know my boy has been digging you since our freshman year said Bear She told him that's where he was wrong I couldn't make up my mind when it came to Esaliya plus the streets so I had to focus on the bigger picture, and when he seen that I was focused on my dreams he decided to step back into my life only as a friend. Bear brushed her off and went to his seat. Since school started I tried my best to try my best to remain Mac's friend but having coach run the cartilage off my knees for playing hooky with it was worth every moment I couldn't help but notice those beautiful eyes, long black hair and street smart attitude Mariah looked back at me again before the bell ringed then the professor went on with his lecture. After class was over I went to the lunch room to get something to eat I noticed Coach Gillis having a coaches meeting with some of the other coaches so I quickly grabbed me some lunch then headed out the door. Hey stranger you ducking me now? No it's not like that Mariah. Well good, you had me scared for a minute, and that whole playing hard to get turned me on for a second so I'm gonna stop by after practice to study make sure you save some energy for me. She kissed me on the cheek then went inside the lunch room, Coach McCoy immediately walked right outside, and told me not to take another step. You think I didn't catch that? Sorry coach I didn't mean for it to happen said Lawrence. Coach seemed lost with what I just said but he clarified that I didn't speak to any of the coaches when I grabbed my lunch, and left. Listen excellent game against Alabama you, and Yogi still need to work on your timing but that will eventually come together in due time especially when we play State next week so after practice you in the film room A.S.A.P! You got it said Coach Gillis I'll be there coach. When the door opened Mariah and her friends seen us talking Hey coach! She gave him a hug Uh huh you behaving yourself young lady? Of course I am why wouldn't I be she said with a huge grin on her face. I'm just making sure honey, Lawrence help her with her books, for god sake son act like a gentleman. I grabbed her books, that's more like it y'all run along to class, and Lawrence I got my eye on you said Coach Gillis. We immediately walked off to class. After a long day at school, then practice on top of that with a hour of studying film with Coach Gillis I was drained so when I walked into my dorm room I plopped down on the couch. Bear walked into the dorm room well look who's beat down from practice! Not now!! I'm already drained, and I have to save some energy to FaceTime Esaliya while she was in the studio. He asked me why are y'all doing this whole back and forth thing with Mac it's obvious y'all have feelings for each other! You know that I'm with Lola right? Oh that, she said as she chuckled and plopped on the couch your my boy so I'm gonna keep a beam with ya ok, Esaliya is only with you because she sees you as a meal ticket. Now Mac!! on the other hand has been with you since freshman orientation, she's helped you build your brand, your on the dean's list and on your way to the pros if it was me I would drop that bird and fly with a real angel. I told when it comes to British I feel like our relationship has ran it's course but the way I feel about Mac is real, Don't get me wrong I really rock with Esaliya the long way but  I really connect with Mariah, to the point that this like is turning into love, but I just try to keep the peace. Bear told me she understood where I was coming from, but you need to tell the girl how you feel. I will and I'm gonna tell her now! I got up and went to the door when I opened it I was met by Esaliya. She quickly jumped into my arms, and started kissing me boy I missed you so much! She turned around and noticed Bear watching us, umm can you give us some privacy? Umm I stay here too, I don't see your name on my tuition said Bear I asked Bear could he leave while we talk. Bear growled then walked out the door. Listen Brit we need to talk? I turned around to see her standing by my bedroom with no clothes on. So what did you want to talk about? I couldn't get the words out fast enough I remember getting my clothes snatched off, and us getting busy. When I woke up from my nap I seen her getting dressed, and ready to go baby your up, I didn't want to disturb you while you was sleep I have a flight to catch, I will try to make it your game if I don't I will make up for it. Esaliya was putting on her clothes as she kissed me she left quickly when I put on my clothes I went outside to get some fresh air, I noticed Mariah sitting on the steps studying over her notes so I took a seat beside her. I see Cinderella forgot to spend the night again?? There you go with that again, listen I don't see you trying to make a move? Excuse me, first off I don't need to bring down my self esteem just so I can be a gold digger on the go I have goals ok, and I need a real man to support my goals and cheer me on it works both ways you know what why do I even bother! Mariah grabbed her books and walked to her dorm room.

The Blueprint Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora