Chapter Three: The Blueprint

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It was the first day of my senior year at SCT and believe me It hit me like a ton of bricks because it was my final year. When I walked on the campus I immediately took it all in then went to get my student id, and key ID card so I could get in, and out the dorm. As I was walking back to the dorm room I was met by the rest of the crew. Around the school, and on the football field we were known as the blueprint. The reason behind the name is that we were the definition of greatness!! When SCT needed us to win they came knocking at the door they started with me I was the biggest fish in the ocean that could pull everything together! To start I had to get Yogi and Pj plus the rest of the crew on board, the rest was history As we were walking towards the dorm we all noticed a couple of a few girls coming down the steps. When they walked passed us one of the girls decided to glance our way and smile so Yogi and I both pointed at ourselves then she pointed at Bear so the guys decided to go talk to the girls. I then noticed a young woman trying to unload her luggage from her Tesla so I walked over and asked her did she need any help. When she leaned out of the trunk, and pushed her bob hair cut back I was shocked to see that it was Mariah! Out of all people why are you even here! Well I'm only here for a few months to finish up my bachelors degree and since the business is basically running itself I'm  I'm gonna get this degree, and hopefully go back on tour before the season starts. So your all settled in yet, she asked I told her I was already moved in, and ready to get this year over with! Her friends walked over to where we were standing Hey girl I see you putting him to work said Imani. First off she's not putting me to work, I'm being a respectful gentleman besides chivalry isn't dead said Lawrence. When Yogi noticed that I was with Mac and her suite mates Callie, and Imani he and the guys quickly migrated back to where I was standing. By then everyone was trying to figure out the move for tonight so we all decided to go to the house party. When we walked into the party it was everything I imagined college would be like. Mariah's roommates wanted to see if I had heart so we decided to take a couple of shots of patron. Now I'm no square, and I've had plenty of drinks with the crew so I'm thinking this is gonna be a breeze. The first three shots went fast until they brought out the fireball, and tequila. After five more shots I was at the point of no return. The walk back to the dorm room was epic we already missed curfew but all i needed was three hours, and I was good to go! Before I went into the dorm room I walked her back to her dorm room. I really enjoyed your company tonight said Lawrence I really enjoyed kicking it with you also, even though your a light weight you still can hold your own, and I must say I'm impressed. Listen you have 3 hours to get right don't be surprise if coach decides to call an early morning practice. I told her I'm like a well oiled machine once I get started ain't no slowing me down, Thats what I love about you Boogie your confidence is at a all time high, and it's turning me on said Mariah. Oh it is huh, you know I aim to please, I bet, but as long as your with Lola you won't be pleasing me. I bet you I will said Lawrence as I leaned in for a kiss Coach Gillis appeared out of nowhere. Lawrence!!! Do you know what time it is! What are you doing? Coach my bad it was a friendly kiss I said. Mac!! get back to your dorm room right now! As she rushed up the steps quickly. Coach then turned his attention to me, and sized me up then told me to follow him to the football field. Since you want to party, and make an impact your first day on campus I want you run up, and down the stadium until I feel like you made an impact. I laughed to myself and told him all this because of curfew that's a little extreme? Your the captain of this team Lawrence and being a captain comes with a whole lot of consequences, so show me how a captain leads by example. Coach Gillis blew his whistle, and I started running. By the time I was finished running it was time for practice.

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