Chapter Four: Head To Head

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Football season was finally on the way, and I must sayid  brings a lot of attention especially when your the defending champs. After blowing out Florida my draft stock is still on top and I am destined to be a first round pick in the NFL draft, the way we blown out Florida last week 56, to 14 the way our offense was playing we couldn't be stopped! There's been a lot of talk in the media this week a lot of analysts are saying that our undefeated streak may come to an end this upcoming Saturday when we play Alabama, and all the hate we were getting drove Coach Gillis up wall. Alright men! Let's go to work! As coach yelled I walked over to the offense and gave them the play. We jogged up the line, and the offensive line was right behind him. Being the starting quarterback was a lot of hard work especially when your playing in the SEC but I've kept it together. After I messed over a couple of plays due him being hungover the day before Coach Gillis decided to pull me off to the side and get on me. I looked at Bear as he was laughing to himself as I got chewed out, when I returned on the field I was locked in. Coach told me to play loose, don't hesitate, and make the smart play. Look who finally knocked off the rust said Yogi I gave the offense the play, and quickly jogged up to the line. I called the cadence, took a look at the defense then signaled our center Zach to hike the ball. Zach snapped the ball, Javier ran a post route, and Yogi being my number 1 receiver ran a deep route that left Pj wide open in the middle of the field so I threw the pass to him for a first down. Great play offense, defense take a look at this! we have to bring the pressure! Adonis, and Bear looked at the way our offense was set up. They were upcoming defensive ends on the rise, and being seniors they have a lot to prove especially against Alabama. Bear has been a nightmare on defense the last couple of games so I don't see him slowing down any time soon. The next play I sent in motion when Zach hiked the ball Andre took the handoff, the defensive tackle Malachi Young came threw the line low and hard to stick me with a late hit, but Pj snuck up the middle, stiff armed Adonis Washington to get another first down. Zach helped me up, as Bear shook his head then pushed me back on the ground and ran back to the huddle. Are you ok Coach Gillis said loudly as I gave him a thumbs up, and jogged up the field. When practice was over we went into the locker room so of my teammates showed me love but when I made it to my locker I seen Diamanté at his locker. Yo, D good practice today!  He shut his locker, and picked up his gym bag. Good, you meant to say great . Look I'm not here to be your teammate bro, I'm here to win another national championship, go off to the pros, and collect a bag! I told him I'm in the same boat but unlike him I have my whole city on my back, if I win we all win. He chuckled at what I said then told me the city you have on your back will crush you before a linebacker will. Today was the big day! The game against Alabama, the battle of the two future first round quarterbacks Lawrence Sullivan vs Brock Lambert, Coach Gillis vs Coach Saban! After getting an early morning knock on the door we had to do our walk through around 9 a.m, then afterwards we had to head back to the hotel until it was game time. When the fans started to make there way into the stadium I knew I was playing but it felt pretty good to feel the college football vibe it was very different from high school. When it was time to run out of the tunnel the crowd let us know that we wasn't welcomed there until Brock Lambert led there football team out of the tunnel. After the kickoff to our return team Coach Gillis told me to tighten up, and play your game. The first three possessions went quick for us but for Brock Lambert and that Alabama offense it was breeze. The next possession I was in the shotgun formation, Zach hiked the ball to me I  faked the handoff to Pj then seen a break in the defense. As I stiffed armed the outside linebacker, then juked the cornerback i immediately felt my knee cramp up as I went to grab his knee but was met by the strong safety. The football slipped out of his hand, Alabama recovered the fumble. I leaned up and tried to shake off the cramp the trainers rushed over to him. After I was helped off the field Coach Gillis walked over to the sideline, his eyes were dead set on me so I grabbed my helmet and met with him. He gave me a Gatorade and watched me get my knee stretched out, and I was good to go. The game came down to the wire if our defense was on the field. Brock knew if they got a first down the game was over. Brock stepped back into the pocket then tried to rush for the first down, Malachi shifted off the center and wrapped up Brock. Brock fell back to the ground, and fumbled the ball Adonis seen the ball, and picked it up for a fumble recovery. Now it was time to deliver the dagger, the offensive line jogged on the football field loose, and ready to put this game away. The first possession I handed the ball off to Andre he broke a tackle and rushed for a 15 yard gain. The offensive line got set again I called another play to get the defense to switch there scheme, Zach hiked the ball I faked the handoff to Andre again and seen Yogi wide open in the end zone I seen the defensive end coming my way fast so I back peddled while I threw the pass I fell to the ground. I watch the ball float in the air but when he caught the pass I pushed off the defensive end, and ran into the end zone to celebrate. I had tears in his eyes because this game winning catch not only solidify the win but this showed all the schools who counted us out we was here to stay! When the clock made it to zero the final score was 35, to 28 the upset was in full effect, and the crowd was stunned as a team we show sportsmanship and shook the other players hands but when I went to shake Brock Lambert's hand he looked at my hand, looked at me then smirked, and bumped into me while jogging off the field. Oh well a win's we jogged off the field, after the game I was looking forward to celebrate with the rest of the team I decided to stay at the hotel.

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