Chapter Ten: Big Man On Campus

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A week after the sec championship the awards started coming in! I was awarded the Davey O'Brien award, to the Maxwell Award, and even the AP Player Of The Year. When coach McCoy called me into the main hallway of the campus he handed me a letter from the Heisman Committee. I was invited to the heisman ceremony in manhattan, New York. After being snubbed last year I never would've thought that all this hard work would pay off. When coach Gillis gave me the letter I looked at and laugh because I didn't think I wasn't good enough to even get a invitation but leave it to coach to tell me to take the invite and go! When we flew out to New York my family was already there at the hotel I was happy but nervous at the same time, so I was checked into my room we went to do a little bit of sight seeing, and then the rest of the day I was being prepared to the heisman ceremony. When I seen Andrei Mavia walk in with Paulo Hyman it was still some tension after we beat them at the beginning of the season, and now that we have to face them again in the national championship game the pressure was on. The other finalists was Cortland Mohammed quarterback from Clemson  he's been the underdog this season having to go through three different quarterbacks but he still made it to this day. Last but not least was Andre Payton from Georgia. After the walk through I was able to catch up with the other finalist while Brock Lambert decided to leave. After a few hours the heisman ceremony was on the way as they rolled out the red carpet for the finalist I remained humble, and made my way into the auditorium. I was star struct to see all of the heisman winners from Bo Jackson to Desmond Howard, Cam Newton to Johnny Manziel the stars we're out tonight. After a handful of speeches it was time to announce the winner of the heisman trophy, the pressure was on so I decided to lower my head, and waited to see who was about to win. When the announcer said my name I stood there in shock so I got up and greeted coach Gillis then I went up to the podium, and shook the committee's hand then stood in front of the crowd. All the hard work has paid off but this is only the beginning I first thanked the committee and everyone who played a part in everything. When it came to my family I started to get emotional because I'm happy that my parents are here to see this but I understand how things happen in life but it made our family stronger, I also thank my mom for teaching me that in life you go through ups and downs in life but you never give up! She taught me how to be forgiven and taking life and my job serious, my siblings for having pushing me to the limit Chris was the reason I had a monster year on offense my freshman year then after he left he would FaceTime me, and watch film with me so that helped a lot I also thank Angelina for stepping up and holding down the house hold while our mom was dealing with personal issues and for always keeping a choke stash on the hip, Naomi for her determination and drive. Vanessa for basically being in my ear, and staying up with me when I had to watch film last but certainly not least my Dad for putting a football in my hand so without family I wouldn't be where I am today. After the speech I picked up the trophy tonight was statement and with the national championship game this upcoming week this was only motivation.

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