Chapter 20: Big Steppers

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Today is the day everyone has been waiting and preparing for, and I must say that it's not the but it's our graduation! With finals in the books, and the draft coming up walking across the stage with my family and friends is bitter sweet! As Akira walked across the stage her sorority sisters cheered her on, right behind her was Bear who wore a bullet proof vest prop underneath his cap and gown as a running joke! Callie owned the graduation class with her southern belle attitude, then it was yours truly who needed no introduction but leave it to my graduation class to chant MVP as I walked across the stage! Mariah stepped on the stage with a beautiful smile, and business, Pj was also hyped to get his diploma as his fiancé Teagan walked out with her homecoming crown, and Yogi was every bit of Washington Street when he accepted his diploma! Once Dean James told us to turn our tassel's to the right side of our graduation caps I looked around and noticed the rest of our graduating class were hyped to be announced as the graduating class of SCT as everyone threw their caps in the sky; Later on that evening everyone met together at a undisclosed location to sit down and discuss their plans for life after college, as Imani poured her some vodka in her solo cup she took a seat beside Bear. So graduation is officially in the books, Akira and Yogi are both going to start a new life here in Greenville the goal is to do some DYI stuff starting on the north side then work they're way to other parts of the ville; Callie placed her cup down and told everyone that she's moving to Dallas Texas for an internship the CEO of the company personally reached out to her this morning with the opportunity to not only network but to expand her portfolio so Boogie if your ever in Dallas hit me up Callie said jokingly. Bear, and Imani we're up next so Bear informed the guys that he had to drop out of the NFL draft due to some more information that leaked out in the media when it came to his health so I plan on starting a football camp during the summer and with the advice Callie gave me a few weeks back I plan on expanding my education here at SCT. Well the news that Bear explained to you guys has impacted all of us but this is just the beginning for us my Ep did well on the charts I've also planned on expanding my portfolio this upcoming year and with the help from Akira this summer I will officially open my new boutique on the east side. That's when they put the pressure on Pj and Teagan with the wedding the day after the NFL Pj tells them wherever he gets drafted he still plans to be connected in the city in a major way with my queen beside me; Teagan also informed her girls that she just found out that she's pregnant so the girls celebrated with her as the guys congratulated Pj. That's when everyone looked at the final two out of the crew Lawrence and Mariah so Boogie told Mariah ladies first?? Mariah smiles then informs everyone that the trip to Africa was a success now she plans on do a few text overseas in the next few weeks then she will be back in town. Lawrence sighs to himself then addresses the resurface of an old allegation that came up this past week but leave it to his team, and the dean to jump on it; he just wanted to thank each and everyone of his friends for their support and love even though we just graduated from college let's do our best to stay in touch going forward, support each other's decisions and dreams and remember that we're the ones.. As everyone agreed in unison we all went into different places you may think this is the end of the story but this is just the beginning!

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