"Dear Rapist" A Free Verse Poem

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On successfully

Tearing down my temple

With aggression

You made it so I had no choice but to

Sit and watch

As you took me down brick by brick

Touching me

Like you had a right to my body

Hands roaming

Your "claimed property"

As if you received permission already

I guess I expected some kind of eviction notice

So I could exit my mind

And leave you this body to fuck around with

But either way

I still left you with a part of me

So While you're off with that dead version of who ever I used to be

I'll be in mourning

For my normality

Wearing black clothes and nail polish

The exact opposite of what you requested I dress up in

Like I was your old favorite toy puppet

She still moves as you place her

But it seems her lips have rubbed off with time

Not able to talk back or whine

I guess that just made your life so much simpler

Being able to take away more of her innocence

Assuming she'd be ok with it

If she wasn't so scared to have a voice around this man she calls her rapist

She'd be screaming for help

Saying no like every girl knows to

But she was voiceless


You named her Vicky

Short for victim

Because who has the time to speak the truth for the ones who don't have the option to

You sat me down

Raggedy and torn

In this new haunted mansion

Built by your calloused hands

Rough to the touch

As you attempt to smooth out my hair

And body

This form of a living masterpiece

You wanted to replicate

As if I was still living

As if you didn't kill everything I knew to be happy

The second you started renovating

And you claim to be unaware of my unwillingness

To give in to your aggression and forcefulness

Like I wasn't a witness

While you bulldozed through the secure doors

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