"I'm Sorry" A Free Verse Poem

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I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

When you've messed up

You feel like you can't say it enough

When you feel like you lost them

The world is your personal hell

When the person forgives you

The life that is yours will never be taken for granted again

When life gives you lemons

You make some awesome lemonade


I am currently in an amazing long distance relationship with a person who I never want to loose and, as the stupid person I am, I almost screwed it up. Thankfully he forgave me for some odd reason that I'm not questioning him for. All I'm trying to say is look at what you have instead what you don't. Life is short and since nobody has come down from heaven to tell us about an amazing after life or reincarnation, we have to use this life as if we only get one. Don't be a bitch or block out the world. That only leaves you all alone and no mater what anybody says the worst feeling in the world is to feel lonely. I'm not saying I'm in love with him and I'm not saying there is no possibility of it ever happening, but I'm going to be the best damn girlfriend I can be while I do still have him as mine. I suggest you do the same with everyone and anyone you love. Thank you for listening and have an amazing day.

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