"Earth's Beautiful Body" A Free Verse Poem

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One summer night I was laying on the green grass looking up at the beautiful sparkling bright stars
I felt overwhelmingly surrounded by comfort like home and I realized that this earth is not much different than a body like my own
the water is like its senses
it's filled up with the need to speak and hear and experience everything
it has beautiful green hair covering its entire body
It even has flaws like volcanoe holes but every story isn't perfect
every body has its imperfections

then like the earth knew I was discovering its secrets a wave of pain crushed over my body like the rivers and tidal waves washing over people in places throughout the world that had no idea their life was about to be destroyed
the earth spoke to me and told me "treat me kindly"
begged me "please create some sustainability.
I am dying
I have neighbored these humans onto my body and gave them a home
but they're treating it like they own me
I feel these neighbors have overstayed their welcome and are destroying me
all I can do is let them be here and slowly die
crumble away as every part of me turns into carbon dioxide and wrinkled leaves
brown sad and bloody
please send them a message of 'don'ts'
my message of guidance because I need someone to love me
I need humans to understand their killing me slowly but all at once because in the next 10 years this generation will have used all the resources they were supposed to be provided and dipping into the next generations
taking away from the next children the next creators the next fixers and the next people who might know how to respect me better
all I've ever done is give to my neighbors but maybe I gave them the wrong impression
maybe they heard 'this is yours' instead of 'welcome'
So please tell them for me that I no longer have the strength to send them away and if that's what they wanted then they won the game
but they should know that their prize involves dying right beside me
we will explode together throughout this universe where the stars are so bright and beautiful
maybe the next neighbors learn some manners and know how to be proper guests in the home that was never theirs to begin with."

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