"Dark Hallway" A Sestina Poem

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In the hallway

And all I see is blackness

It's scary, but I'm not scared

I feel just out of reach from the door

Endlessly trying to grab it

Its like a nightmare gone wrong

Why does this feel wrong

So out of place as I walk down this hallway

I decide to run away from it

But theres something chasing me, its the blackness

Blackness has replaced the door

Blackness is consuming my fears, making me scared

I shouldn't be scared

Although I feel something wrong

Suddenly I find a door, the door

It's down the same hallway

But this time there's white lights instead of blackness

This is all so wrong

But what if this is a dream, and there never was a hallway

What if there never was the door

This has to be a metaphor for fear of opening the closed door

And aIl need is a pinch and it

Will be over, and there will no longer be a scary hallway

I don't have to be scared

There was never anything wrong

There was never anything to fear, because there was no blackness

But why am I still filled with the blackness

My fear is bottled up behind that door

Unless I am wrong

And the door was keeping me from it

Behind that door could be what I fear the most, what truly makes me scared

I begin to open the door as I walk down the endless hallway

The door creaks open at the end of this long hallway

I now know why I'm scared

There's a mirror behind the door, I'm what I fear, I'm it

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