I blinked, wondering when she would start laughing and serve me my plate, but she never did.

I hesitantly chuckled. "Right... so I'm leaving now?"

She nodded and went back to her waffle. I stood there for a little, watching her ignore her own daughter, and then left.

The bright sunlight and fresh smelling small town felt amazing to walk out to, I hadn't felt so free in such a long time. The wind gently blew through my long brown hair, and I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

I decided to wander aimlessly around the small area, also known as Pallet town. I knew that there was supposed to be a large laboratory, but I guess the difference in pixels and real-life made it that much farther apart.

Fortunately, this is a small town, and I found the lab with ease. I swung the doors open and the other scientists greeted me. I abruptly stopped when I saw the back of his head.

He stood tall, his unruly spiked hair, his dark black shirt outlined back muscles, and he grinned when he saw me.

"Only you Huh? If you're looking for the old man then he isn't around." He smirked.

I felt my heartbeat quicken. "Who said I was looking for your grandpa. Maybe I was looking for you."

He rolled his eyes. "Please, I know you're here for the same reason I am: to get a Pokémon."

My eyes widened. "Pinch me I must be dreaming."

I guess Green found this intriguing since he strutted straight up to me, my heartbeat fastened, yet all I felt was a gentle chop to my head.

Green chuckled. "It's not a dream, Alyssa. It's really happening."

I cautiously glanced at him as he patiently waited for Oak, I was confused since I remembered him to be an asshole.

I walked up beside him. "Aren't you going to look for your grandpa?"

He scoffed. "Why would I?"

I frowned. "He's your family. Shouldn't you be searching for him?"

Green rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, fine. I'm coming."

I grabbed his hand and led him into the town. His fingers were surprisingly strong while being slightly bony.


"Are you even looking, Green? We've been out here for about 30 minutes now, and haven't seen him!" I explained.

Green clicked his teeth. "I am! Maybe he's back at the lab!"

I shook my head. "No way! He has to be out in the fields! He's a Pokémon researcher, so he's obviously researching, idiot."

I dragged Green to the edge of Pallet town where nothing but an open meadow could be seen. The crimson sky was beautiful, I hadn't seen such a beautiful sky in years.

I took a deep breath before entering the grass, but Green yanked my arm back.

I slammed into his chest. "Hey! What're you doing!?"

"You can't go in the grass without a Pokémon. The old man gave us that rule when we were kids." He flicked my forehead and started to drag me back to the lab.

I took a step back and used all my strength to resist. "Come on! It's just going to be some low-level Pokémon! No big deal!"

Green shook his head vigorously. "No way! If anything happens to you I'd-"

I lost my balance and Green, who failed to catch me, fell on top of me. I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head (lucky that there weren't any rocks) and opened my eyes to Green staring into mine.

My heartbeat skyrocketed as neither of us looked away, his face was so close to mine that I could feel his warm breath on my face. I didn't want to admit this, but I thought he was immensely handsome.

I found myself staring at him for far too long, and wanted to escape before I did something I would regret.

"G-get off me!" I shout as I shoved Green off. "Were you trying to scare me!"

"Who'd ever want to violate YOU?! I was just checking if you were injured! Dumbass!" Green yelled back.

"Stop! Don't go into that tall grass! It's dangerous!"

Green and I both glanced in the direction of the voice that yelled at us, and it was the Professor. He was panting heavily in his white lab coat, he grabbed his knees and took a deep breath before saying anything.

"You... two... should know... how dangerous the grass is. Especially after that one time, Green." Professor Oak mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Tch... it was her," Green grumbled, pointing around me.

I frowned, but he was correct.

Oak sighed and motioned for us to follow him back to his lab. The walk back was awkward since neither of us said anything, I kept stealing glances at Green, who looked conflicted.

I wanted to ask if anything was wrong, but we arrived at the lab quicker than I thought.

"So... why did you call us here? More importantly, shouldn't it just be me?" Green asked, crossing his arms.

I glared at him and put both of my hands on my hips, but the Professor stopped me from saying anything.

"I'm beginning to regret asking you here, Green. Just be patient." Oak grumbled, rubbing the top of his nose, he turned back to me. "Alyssa, you can go ahead and choose one of the three Pokémon on the table."

My face lit up, and Green's was in complete shock.


"Gramps! Why does SHE get to go first?!" Green exclaimed.

Oak said nothing and motioned for me to choose.

I took a deep breath and marched up to the table. Three bright pokéballs were right in front of my face, their shiny red-tops were calling me.

I had already known what Pokémon I was going to pick, I thought about this all the time as a child. I even had a designated nickname for it.

I smiled and grabbed the pokéball in the middle. "I choose this one."

Yay! Chapter two is out, and I do apologize for the cliff hanger lol. I know who Alyssa is going to pick and I even have a team outline! I hope you keep reading :D

Alyssa's Adventures in the Kanto RegionWhere stories live. Discover now