Chapter Thirteen: Investiture

Start from the beginning

While she had not been granted lands like her brother had, she would live with him when she wasn't at court as a Lady-in-Waiting to Anne; it would allow her to seek out a match that was befitting of her. 

Slowly backing out of the room, Clarice felt a great sense of relief and she was most glad that she was able to step away now; she had not liked all attention being centred on her. 

The sight of Anne greeted her and she offered the woman a warm smile knowing that this was just the start for Anne.

Making her way into the room, Anne held her head high looking every inch the Queen that she was to be in a matter of months; the date was set and Anne couldn't believe that after all these years of waiting that she was finally getting what she wanted. 

It had never crossed her mind that it would happen so soon, she had never dreamed that Henry would be free to marry her even though she had wished that it would happen. 

Sinking down to her knees, Anne stared at Henry knowing that nothing could tear them apart now; there had been no news about how the Emperor or the Pope were taking the most recent events. 

It was certain that they would have heard that Katherine had been removed from her position, the lies that she had told had caught up on her and even they could not deny that King Henry had been more than fair. 

"To all and singular, as well nobles and gentiles as others to whom these presents shall come, it is the King's pleasure, by this patent, to confer on the Lady Anne Boleyn, in her own right and on her offspring the noble title of Duchess of Pembroke. And also, by this patent to grant her lands worth 100,000 pounds a year, for the maintaining of her dignity," Cromwell stated hearing the whispers that erupted at the news. 

It had been the new Duke of Hertford's idea to reward Anne for her prolonged maintaining of her dignity, a sign that the King was pleased with her and her virtue that had remained untainted during the courtship. 

Her father, her brother and uncle watched on as Henry stood from his position and moved to help Anne to her feet; he set the coronet upon her head and helped her put on robe. 

He kissed her cheek as she did so before moving to take the patent from Cromwell and hand it over to Anne; he took her hand and the two of them walked out of the chamber together. 

"Make way for His Majesty King Henry and the Lady Anne, Duchess of Pembroke," the herald announced making everyone bow down in greeting of their King and their future Queen.


"My Lord Rochford," Clarice greeted crossing paths with Anne's brother, the feast was in full swing and everyone seemed to be in such a joyful mood especially considering the recent events that had seen Katherine cast out. 

A part of Clarice was surprised to see how quickly the court had adapted to the fact that they were suddenly without a Queen; she doubted many realised just how soon the King planned to remarry. 

"My Lady," George greeted in return, he bowed his head and offered her a fresh goblet of wine, the feast had not died down since he had arrived with Anne and his sister had been swept away by the King. 

They were so close to getting what they wanted but George could not shake the feeling that they had not won quite yet; he was sure that the Pope or the Emperor would have something to say about recent events. 

"Is Lady Rochford not with you this fine evening?" Clarice asked not seeing George's wife, she was sure that the woman would be in attendance given how big a day this was for the Boleyn family. 

Anne had been elevated to pave the way to make her Queen, she was a Duchess in her own right and looked every inch the Queen that soon she would be; the date was set and now planning was secretly in full swing. 

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