Chapter 1

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Mature content ahead, so yeah.


That's all you could feel. The fierce and unforgiving blizzard on that winter night. Of course you always were use to the cold, but running in a blizzard is a different thing. Your body was aching and your head, absolutely pounding. Your vision was fading, then clearing every five seconds. The snow blasting in your face was extremely abhorrent, making every feature on your face numb. You hated this. You wanted to stop dead in your tracks and march right back home where you belonged.

Except  you couldn't.

The house you stayed in was off limits now. If you returned, it would be a death trap. Police sirens gave away the fact that the law enforcement had arrived there. The awful memory came back into your head.

Your parents and you, celebrating your twenty-fifth birthday, as you were in town and had taken a break from your education. You loved your parents deeply, despite the problems they had been expressing. Your mother, had baked you an apple pie, since you disliked cake. The frosting and such was too much for you. Perhaps if you would have not asked for pie that terrible night.

"Oh Y/N, go tell your father that the pie is ready! I bet you he's still hibernating." Chirped your mother. "Yeah, okay." You replied with a groan. You already knew that your father would be in a bad mood if you woke him up. After all, he did have a horrible job. Being an accountant with extra hours.

You quietly entered your parents' room and spotted your father on the bed. Thinking it would be efficient, you flicked the light switch on which caused the room to be emitted with bright light.
"Fuckin' hell. Leave me alone!" Your father complained. You took a step back, surprised that he was in that bad of a mood.

"Yeah well, mom said the pie is ready, so please stop yelling at me like an ass and come eat." You quickly said and walked out of the room before he could yell at you, although you did hear a faint "Fuck you" by your father. You mouthed "Okay Boomer" and went to the bathroom.

When you came out, tragedy struck. All you could remember was seeing your father strangling your mother to death. The pie was splattered on the tiled floor. The clock, just striking midnight. All you remember doing was pushing your father away from your mother's corpse and into a wall, accidentally twisting his head which killed him instantly. All you remember hearing, was the neighbor knocking on the front door, calling the cops from all the ruckus. All you remember feeling, was panic.

And so, you reached the forrest area of the town, trying to avoid any cop searching for you.

A murderer.

You kept running. Past trees and rocks, the ground completely covered with snow. Your coat was scratching against rogue sticks and branches. One cut your face, which caused you to grab your face in agony. Perhaps if you stopped for a minute and caught your breath, you would have seen the jagged cliff of rocks in front of you. But it happened too fast. You ran off the cliff and flipped like a rag doll, hitting your back on a rock, before finally hitting the ground.

Extreme pain

You let out the biggest scream you've ever made in your life. Tears bursting out of your eyes, warming your cheeks and stinging the cut on your face. You were in so much pain, physically and emotionally. You just couldn't take it anymore. You whaled and sobbed for what seemed to be hours. You couldn't move, probably because you broke the majority of your bones. So, you lay there in the blanket of snow. Crying out the pain.

Through your tears and the snow falling, you could see a shadow figure coming towards you. The pitch black darkness could only give out the slightest view, until it came up to you. A cop. You expressed a face of complete horror, looking up at the man. He kneeled down to you so you both could get a better view. You looked at his badge. Officer Briggs, the golden emblem displayed. His face was stern and straight.

"Hmph. Fuckers like you make me sick, killing your family. Both of your parents too." He quietly said disgusted. You couldn't speak a word. Your vocal cords were strained from screaming. Perhaps if your vocal cords weren't completely destroyed, you could explain the situation. But instead, Officer Briggs killed you. He grabbed a nearby rock and smashed your skull, fading your sight to darkness. More pain, but soon after, the pain went away. All of it.

You were okay now.

Sad memories and emotions were still in your head, but your body was back to normal. You soon felt warmth instead of the fierce coldness. You heard weird sounds you couldn't explain. The thought of opening your eyes was a scary one, not expecting what you'd see. But after the living hell you were in, an event couldn't be worse than that. You opened your eyes.

A red sky.

A red sky between two building-like structures. In a hazed state, you sat up. It appeared that you were in an alleyway. A filthy one at that, with dumpsters and rats by the walls.

"Disgusting... but how did I end up here?" You thought to yourself. You got up to your feet, while noticing that you still had on the outfit you had on. A parka with jeans and snow boots. Except, your boots were a scarlet red as well as the fur on your black parka. "Interesting... what's with the red hue of this place?" You thought again.

You decided to walk to the street where most of the noise was coming from. You saw a row of cars which appeared to be normal traffic. For a second, you thought that this place was downtown of your city, until a red figure walked past you. You whipped your head to spot a man with maroon clothes, but wickedly spiky horns. Almost like a demon...

"Oh fuck."

"No, I can't be in hell!" You screamed to yourself in your head. You paced around on the sidewalk, grabbing your head. Your hair was surprisingly soft after dying. "This cannot be happening! Oh my god... I'm dead, but in hell!? Crap, what will mom think? Wait- mom..." you remembered. Your family was religious and went to church regularly. After thinking, you figured that your mother must be in heaven, but your father must be here, in hell, somewhere. You hoped and prayed that you would not run into him any time soon. That monster, had ruined everything. You then remembered how you died. Crying and screaming in agony, while the evil cop had bashed your head open with a rock so it would look like you died by accident. He killed you. Officer Briggs, another monster in your life. You felt a tear escaping your eye, but wiped it away when you heard a group of demons, male and female, catcalling you.

"Are you actually kidding me? I'm not even dressed skimpy or anything! Just leave me alone!" You demanded the group. "Hah! Guess so, but chya' just so pretty!" A male demon replied. "Like, have you looked in a mirror? You're damn hot!" A female demon suggested.

Although they were annoying, you really did wonder what your appearance was. You brushed them off with your hand and walked away, looking for a glass window or something reflective. You came up to a store front with a window. You could only make up the basics, but the group of demons were right, you were pretty. Ice blue eyes reflected, along with your snow white hair. You couldn't help but also notice something else. Two small blue horns that complimented your appearance.

"Wow, I look... just wow." You whispered to yourself. A couple of other demons with various looks walked past you and whistled at your beauty.

Maybe being in hell wasn't so bad.

After gawking at yourself for a good fifteen minutes, you turned around and touched your stomach, as it was starting to growl. "Great, now I need food. I don't see any restaurants nearby, but that building across the street looks pretty big. I guess I could check it out." You thought.

And so you crossed the street, almost getting hit by a car doing so, and stood in front of the building.

"I.M.P.? The hell is that? You know what, never mind." You said to yourself, walking inside the lobby.

Woooooo ok so that was fun, sorry if it's short or messed up. I will be uploading more soon so I guess you can stay tuned. Bye!!!

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