Chapter 4

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Woohoo! Hey guys! So I'm back at it again with another chapter. Hope you enjoy this one! But anyways, let's jump right into it!

You woke up in a place you did not recognize. It was a fairly small room with only a few furniture. You awoke on a couch which surprisingly, was comfortable. The light was off, but you could see the basics like a table, television, potted plant, and a counter with a coffee machine on it. You stretched and popped your back with a satisfying crack. You noticed that on the arm of the couch, was a change of clothes. A black t-shirt and some ripped black jeans. After changing into the new outfit, you started to creep out the door. Was this Blitzo's place and he let you stay here? Your curiosity exploded.

Nope. It was just a break room at the headquarters. Realizing this, you went back and put your old clothes under a cushion so someone wouldn't get the wrong idea. So, you stepped out and into the familiar hallway in which you brushed your hair with your fingers as you walked to the meeting room.
No one was there, except Millie, who was checking out some papers.

"Oh, hey there! If you're wondering where everyone is, Blitzo and Moxxie went to get us some food. Loona is sick today, I think it's because she ate the remains of a phone that was in a blender? I don't know, but it's whatever." She said gracefully. You suddenly remembered what happened last night (this morning?), and how Blitzo saved you just in time as you were about to get killed.

Millie spoke again. "How come you were in the break room? Blitzo told me you were resting." She asked quietly. "Oh, well... I got here early so I was tired. Yeah, that's what happened." You assured yourself while explaining. Millie seemed skeptical, but let it go after a few minutes. You grabbed a chair and fell into it, sighing while doing so. "Hey Y/N, I love your outfit today!" Millie added.

"Oh thanks, but I'm pretty sure it's just a casual one." You replied normally. "Well, it's just that Blitzo has worn that outfit in the past, so I couldn't help but spot it." She recalled mischievously. You felt your entire face go red. You lowered your head to your chest and smelled the shirt. It definitely had his scent, even though you didn't recognize it immediately since your face was covered when he held you. It was a distinct smell, like a foreign myrrh or incense. Something you haven't smelled before, but definitely something you liked.

"U-u-uh... Millie... it's n-not what you t-think." You stuttered embarrassingly. "Oh Y/N, I'm just teasing! I know you're new to hell. There's nothing wrong with that!" She reassured you with a chuckle. You felt relieved that she was only joking. "If you want, you can always barrow some of mine, although they might be small." She stated. "I think I'll be okay, but thank you for the offer, Millie." You said thankfully.


A couple of minutes after the clock read 10:15 pm, Moxxie and Blitzo had returned with some kind of fast food restaurant you've never heard of before. Moxxie was pissed coming back, probably Blitzo kept bullying him. Heheh. Blitzo had gotten you quite a lot, which you were very thankful for everything that he had done. Moxxie got Millie and himself a meal that they shared cutely. They even fed each other some fries.

"So Moxxie, since Loona isn't here today, did we get any other clients?" Blitzo asked while stuffing a burger in his mouth. "I'm not a receptionist sir, so I have no idea, but I can already make a guess that there's absolutely no one, since this company is failing and everything." He replied sarcastically. Millie looked at him and rubbed his shoulder. "Sweetie, be optimistic. I'm sure we'll get another one soon." She said happily.

You sipped on your strawberry smoothie, not noticing that Blitzo was behind you, as he placed his long hands on your shoulders. "So, as we left off yesterday, did you have enough time to think? You know, about someone's life you want to end just because you purely hate them?" He asked behind your ear, sending shivers up your spine. You felt Moxxie and Millie's gaze drift towards you as you looked down at your lap. "Hmm, is a guy who killed me a good target?" You asked curiously.

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