Veronica Chapter 40

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The moment my eyes open, I immediately want to close them and hide underneath my cover, but instead I pull myself out of bed and get dressed. I check to make sure that the necklace Sebastian gave me is secured around my neck. I walk out my door and see everyone but Em in the living room. It doesn't take long before she's here, and we start to leave.

"Wait," I say, "Let me say goodbye to Wendy before we go." I hurry next door where Bruce, Em, and Wendy sleep. She is nestled in the covers of her bed, the moment I step in her eyes fly open.

"Veronica?" She says in her sweet little voice.

"Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to say goodbye before I left," I say.

"I'll see you later right," she asks.

"Of course," I say, but not without a small hesitation.

"Okay," she smiles, "Be back soon please."

"I'll do my best," I say, "Now go back to sleep." I stand back up from where I was crouch next to her, and walk back to the others.

"Ready," Sebastian asks.

"As I'll ever be," I reply.

"Let's go then," Bruce says walking out the door.

It's a long quiet walk, with a nervous tension that fills the air. None of have the words to say, so we walk in silence praying that everything will be okay. At some point during our walk Sebastian must have noticed the tremor in my hands because he takes mine in his warm, calm hand. We start to near the compound, and my heart rate starts to escalate beyond what I think is a healthy rate.

"This is it," Em says, "it's now or never."

Then we start putting our plan into action. We sneak to the door, and we all take in a deep breath, then Sebastian shoved it open and we go in. When we enter there seem to be way more than thirty guards. They all turn their heads in our direction, and for one single moment we all stand there staring at each other, but then that moment ends and we are thrown into a blur of kicks and punches. I try to fall back on the little training I have, and apparently Sebastian is a better teacher than I thought he was, or they're just not that good at fighting. I manage to take down about five guys, before I notice that there are only two left, who both seem to be attacking Sebastian. I start to go to help, but before I even get there he has them taken down.

"Let's hurry," Em says, running to the stairwell.

We climb the stairs two at a time, we make it to level two, and Bruce and Em split going through the door. Sebastian and I continue up the stairs, we encounter one guard who Sebastian throws down the stairs, and I can hear is bones snap. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy had gotten spinal damage from how he landed. The moment we reach the door to the third floor, Sebastian wastes no time in pushing it open, and we enter. Luckily there weren't as many guards as we thought there were going to be, and we, mainly Sebastian, were able to disarm them. Sebastian knocked out the cameras, and then we entered the control room. I started the hack while Sebastian started piling things in front of the door.

The next fifteen minutes are grueling as I try my best to hack in. There are more security measures than I thought there would be, and panic rises as each minute passes.

"How's it coming?" He asked.

"This is going to take longer than I though it would," I say not taking my eyes off the screen. "If I'm not finished in the next couple minutes, you need to leave without me."

"What!? I'm not doing that," he demands.

"Sebastian, I'm not going to debate this with you," I answer pushing my fingers to type faster.

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