Chapter 1: A New Discovery

Start from the beginning

"This is Scar 1-1 we are clear for takoff over." Nick said.

"Copy 1-1 you are clear for takeoff. Runway 2-Lima" said the ATC Mini Drone

"Roger, 2-Lima taking off." Nick said as the raven took off and now entering the planet.

Unknown Location

"This is Scar 1-1 we have now entered the planet. Approaching the L.Z eta 1 minute." Nick reported as he gracefully maneuvered the dropship down towards the drop zone.

In the troop bay everyone is all seating quietly. All teams present inside were inspecting their gears and weapons as they are near the L.Z. John-117 more currently known as Master Choef was inspecting a datapad that shows the terrain of the land.

"John what do you got?" Cormack said.

He presses a button and a hologram from the datapad appears in the middle for everyone to see. "Terrain is pretty similar to any colonies. Although on a much larger scale since where in the middle of nowhere with little to no buildings."

"What about the air outside?" Emile said.

"Pretty much the same, its oxygen." Kelly said.

"Thank god I'm off the ship, couldn't last another moment breathing all that recycled air in the ship." Emile said in relief. "Though what do you think we're going to find down here?" He asked Carter.

"One way to find out." Carter said.

"10 seconds to L.Z." Nick said getting their attention, he sets the raven in auto pilot mode as he and Salter got up and joins them. They all unblucked their seats and stood up. "Brooks get the door." As ordered Brooks went to the door and opens it.

"Let's be clear in the objective. We only do recon and see what we found. Clear!"


The raven landed softly to the ground as they disembark and started observing their surroundings. "I got some strange readings you guys getting this as well?" Knox said.

"Affirmative." Linda confirmed.

They followed the trace of the unknown energy signal and lead them to a forest. The forest they were in was one of the closest source of it. If the forest's inhabitat didn't proved to be hostile or the energy here posing any threat, then it could be a possible site for a firebase to be deployed.

As the ground team moved through the forest, the team saw how eerily similar the trees in this world was compared the ones he seen in nature parks or reserve at Earth's restored ecosystem. In fact it looked like someone took several tree and plant samples from Earth and directly planted here, they should later note this to the captain for future investigation.

The sound of a twig snapping caught their attention. They immediately pointed their weapons at the source of the noise, they all looked at each other before Carter gestures them to move silently, which they did. As they got closer they heard more twig snapping from around them.

"Infinity to actual, we have multiple unknowns moving in our position." John said in his comms.

"Say again? Unknown contact?" Lasky voice was heard.

"Affirmative. Our scans told us that there were no signs of life on this planet. I guess the planet's energy readings is probably shielding it." John said.

"I see, I'll send both your data and cam to Anders, Roland and Cortana for further analysis." Lasky said as he close the COM.

"Heads up, we've got more movements." Mitchell call out.

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